progress thread: 94gt5.0

ok Hercules


Havent posted in here in awhile, not that anyone cares :lol but did flat bench today
Warmup: 135x12
1st: 185x10
2nd: 205X7-8

Met my goal of doing 225 by the end of the year, so Im pretty stoked about that. By next season Id like to be repping 225x10 and get 275 up for 1-2!

Nice numbers man! Your probably doing wayyy better than sully, hes gettin tiny.

Thanks dude. Sully is still ahead by a little bit(with some things), but Im slowly catching up!! :lmao

What happens if your muscle snaps?

Nice man, interesting set arrangement…

My flat bench has gone up 70lbs since I started back into it in Sept, but my sets look a lot different.

Yeh your flat bench went from 0 to 70 because you didint use to go to the gym :retardclap

Great gains good sir. My winter ‘bulk’ is going quite well also. I’ll report some numbers once they are worth reporting, lol.

good job pal

nice A, youll be on my tail soon…i cant seem to get any heavier/stronger im stuck…i think its time for lots more sauce

Thanks man, post em up anyways. Any progress is good progress!

Thanks buddy :thumbup

LOL, Ive been so tempted to try that shit but I dont think Im going to. I wanna push it as far as I can naturally, seeing how Im still making gains. Im comin for ya paul wall!! :evilking :lol

stay non gassed for a while youve pretty much just started out training heavy…give it time ***

Exactly, I never lifted back in HS or anything so this is really fairly new to me. Been lifting on and off for 2-3years maybe. At teh beggining it was just real light shit and alot of cardio.

The juice is for cheats*** Cough* Shift memebrs (you know who you are)* cough** I know a bunch of ppl that have done it before and really lost alot of respect for those individuals.

Not ever gonna do that shit.
I’m planning on doing the P90X and getting ripped up, not going to try and get bigger bc I want to be agile.

Don’t have any weightlifting numbers to report (coming soon), but current stats are 185lb@high 13% bodyfat.

Nice, I’m ~190lb prob about 10% body fat

im 260 or so and only a little fat

Good stats sir. I’ve found the Omron electronic tester to be very consistant. Not sure how the percentage would compare to other tools, though. Personally, I think that tracking girth with a tape measure is more important, anyway.

I just saw something about that P90X shit, wtf is it??