Yeaman id really like to come check out the swap as well. Im hopin to pick up an rbc and exhaust with my tax return. Hopefully K-pro soon after. I was reading somwhere that you pretty much have no choice but to get your shit tuned if you have i/rbc/rh/e. So from what i understand (prb wrong) i won’t be able to just upload any factory hondata calibrations? Unless i can adjust things myself… which im scerd ill just blow shit up lol.
I’m getting a bunch of tuning maps from the dealer I bought kpro from, K20Tuned LLC, you don’t really need a tune for exhaust and intake but you do for the RBC, my daily tuning map will probably fit your car bc its gonna be for RBC/e/i/rh
Because i sent it out to get done for an 05-06 rsx-s not an 02-04, it’s a ecu from an 02-04 rsx-s (PRB-A05) modified with an adapting harness to plug into the 05-06.
stuffnthings has an 05-06 rsx-s therefore i can plug it right in and tune his for him. :nod
NICE… I’ll have to check out k20 Tuned LLC, since im still in the k-pro market. Oh and why no AMS? Im still trying to decide what route to take as far as pickin up k-pro while i only have intake and header, or buying an rbc and exhaust to complete everything and saving for k-pro. I’m also reading its bad to run rbc without k-pro and aswell that there are no standard calibrations to run a raceheader… so wtf. Im thinking ill just pick up the rbc and exhaust and put the rbc on my desk at work to inspire me to save for k-pro. Are you runnin stock '05-'06 exhaust?