Project K20 Sedan

sorry but :rofl

Why whenever someone takes a shot at me or my cars you start with “sorry” ?

what are you getting nervous? :mwahaha

swap the k20 into your moms truck…that thing would do wheelies :nod :crackup

just saying “sorry but it was funny.”

my bad…

on second thought, i am kinda intimidated. :runaway

Getting nervous of what? i asked him a question

i think k20 is a closet queen, his sexual insecurity shows in his modding of a chick car to make it more masculine…youre not fooling anyone buddy!

go ahead say soemthing about my rainbow fenders

Rainbow fenders ofcourse, gay pride displayed all over your car…i see more chicks riding around in bimmers than K swaps ;D :haha

hence why i said you mod a chick CAR, and i’ve seen more chicks in rsx’s than i could count :haha

Ive seen bishes in vettes too… whats your point? ::slight_smile:

:+1 ::slight_smile:

btw stuffnthings, once it gets nice out…if you don’t have K-Pro already i’d like to plug my K-Pro into your car and see how much it wakes it up.

Yeaman id really like to come check out the swap as well. Im hopin to pick up an rbc and exhaust with my tax return. Hopefully K-pro soon after. I was reading somwhere that you pretty much have no choice but to get your shit tuned if you have i/rbc/rh/e. So from what i understand (prb wrong) i won’t be able to just upload any factory hondata calibrations? Unless i can adjust things myself… which im scerd ill just blow shit up lol.

I’m just busting on ya K20. You have, by what i’ve read put a lot of effort into your car and that makes a difference.

me too :hug

I’m getting a bunch of tuning maps from the dealer I bought kpro from, K20Tuned LLC, you don’t really need a tune for exhaust and intake but you do for the RBC, my daily tuning map will probably fit your car bc its gonna be for RBC/e/i/rh

YO!!! tune adnans car!!!

Umm, no…

plus my ecu is for an 05-06 rsx-s, the better of the 2 models ;D, it won’t work on his.

so your trying to tell me you can’t tune his car? howw so?

Because i sent it out to get done for an 05-06 rsx-s not an 02-04, it’s a ecu from an 02-04 rsx-s (PRB-A05) modified with an adapting harness to plug into the 05-06.

stuffnthings has an 05-06 rsx-s therefore i can plug it right in and tune his for him. :nod

NICE… I’ll have to check out k20 Tuned LLC, since im still in the k-pro market. Oh and why no AMS? Im still trying to decide what route to take as far as pickin up k-pro while i only have intake and header, or buying an rbc and exhaust to complete everything and saving for k-pro. I’m also reading its bad to run rbc without k-pro and aswell that there are no standard calibrations to run a raceheader… so wtf. Im thinking ill just pick up the rbc and exhaust and put the rbc on my desk at work to inspire me to save for k-pro. Are you runnin stock '05-'06 exhaust?