project silver bullet

ill have those parts yet and since adam cant keep his mouth shut i wanna race him before any big mods just like this


Were you in the strip district last night? I saw a silver SS go by making lots of noise but didn’t see the front…

we’ll see, your boy can type like he’s tough but the offer has been on the table tell him to man the fuck up and race me!!!

i raced u today :kekegay: :kekegay:

how bad did you beat the other driver?

yea but i wasnt driving, i wasnt even there, you raced my car not me

soo u wnat me to race just you? my car vs. you on foot?? j/k

dont worry, i wasnt even on drag radials…and when we rolled from like 40 or w/e we did the 2nd time, and i had traction, i was gone, but ur car is a freak man!

making so many exscuses… hrrrmmmm who do you remind me of hahaha… impressive dyno numbers today.

hey if it came from a junkyard / another car it makes it stock.

I haven’t seen anyone cry about racing someone since I was in high school. I see some people here made it far past that point.

you were in highschool? could of fooled me:hsdance:

I was there a few days. Didn’t learn much. HAHA!!!

give me time my rear and cam will be in before too long…

you dont have time…rear now!

and i will have a tune, and bigger cam and yadda yadda, i love how u take this shit soo personal, when i do it in fun

clean up this thread !

I’m almost embarased to be part of a site where people act so childish. Joking around is one thing but this is pathetic. There is almost bloodshed every other week.

then fucking leave or stay here and suck it up :grouphug: im just joking around, some get to serious about this shit, i have ohter more important things to worry about then whos car is going to be me or what

will do for you