Proof that Blackberry just doesn't get it

They’re not going anywhere…

Ya they aren’t really mobile


Lots of people have jobs that are 100% sitting in front a desktop…You’re not going to hand them tablets and tell them they’re forward thinking.

i actually dont have an issue with that commercial. I hustle like that chick waking up the other chick while on vacation… i don’t give a shit if you’re on vacation actually, if you work with or for me and something needs to be done then you better answer your phone and deal with the issue… same thing in reverse.

im on vacation now and still taking meetings and phone calls while in st. Johns NFLD.

I never considered the z10, only the Q10 due to the QWERTY keyboard which is 100% essential for proper business use. I get ghost calls and massive spelling errors from iphone / android users all day long. in fact, i often laugh at people for having girl phones via text when autocorrect makes them sound like idiots.

The Q10 is a great phone and the OS is also pretty good. I would take it over an iphone any day of the week… but that’s not enough.

My primary issue with the BB10 is this: Brainstorming BB10: Please fix Speed Dialing on the BlackBerry Q10! | CrackBerry

I had my speed keys set up for important phone calls so that i didn’t even have to look at my phone to make a phone call. 1 single gesture (J) and i’m dialling Josh… (m) and i’m calling my wife… when i’m driving and have important shit to talk about it is ridiculous that I have to get to the home screen (gesture), go into contacts (gesture), type the name (gesture, gesture, gesture), scroll to the contact (gesture), open it up (gesture), select dial (gesture)… and then when i’m done i need to touch a spot on the display for end call and make sure that it took so that i can put the phone down and know that the call is ended or make another call… like an iphone user.

fuck that shit. i threw the Q10 like 3 times for putting me through that shit… and fuck your iphones too. silly fggt phones. i was in traffic, got an important email about a $160k cheque that needed to be dealt with in another province immediately and i would have used a speed key to make the necessary call but nooooooooooo… i have to basically stop traffic or pull over… fuck that. and not having the option to make a call from BBM unless the other person also has BB10… eat a dick with that shit too.

anyways, i’m back with the 9900. It’s not as pretty or cool as the Q10 but the logic behind the OS is more akin to someone who does hundreds upon hundreds of emails, texts, bbm’s, a day and has to make or take important calls simultaneously.

If BB put the camera and processor of the Q10 into the 9900 it would be a giant killer. yes there are tons of fags out there that would still want the sexier phones but the millions of hardcore business users would cultishly stand by our phones that have a button for end call so that you dont have to look at the phone to know you hung it up so that you can immediately start shit-talking that person you just hung up with.

moreover, i’m in an industry where all of the client groups give BB’s to their front staff. there is a level of candor via bbm that doesn’t exist by other apps / texts / emails. getting decision makers to download whatsapp is laughable. they will stick to the confidentiality of BBM. having key guys at key clients on BBM is priceless.

You missed my sarcasm. You said desktops aren’t going anywhere… so I said ya, they aren’t that mobile…