Property owners chime in.


I check out the MLS listings everyonce in a while, theres some better deals out there though.

Yep, just got the listing of all the tax areas and made a mental note to stay the hell out of Schenectady. ~50$ per 1000$!

I doubt I could swing anything over ~25$ so that sort of limits my options, with a max of 150K$.

My priorities like in a

  1. Two car garage
  2. A tent or bigger to sleep in.
  3. Somewhere in the general close vicinity of the capitol region.

check the east greenbush sub area

well expecting to buy a house NOW and flip next week is def not a good idea

but while houses are cheap its def a good idea to buy one, that you plan on flipping when the market is better… i mean idk if things changed but houses are very cheap right now

vlad the house looks awesome man :smiley:

good stuff !

Tough to find anything decent in EG for that, there is a couple things out there.

Remember, EG taxes are retarded as well… think im paying $4000/yr for a 1100sq ft house.

FYI, they tried to stop the “flipping” of houses, and if its sold in under two years you get nailed in taxes.

Cap gains is better than income tax tho.


oh well what the hell do i know :smiley: (or care)

If your location and price are in check, you can flip in any type of market. There’s a couple of houses right around the corner from me that have been sitting forever simply because of their location. They look great inside and out but are on a horrible location.

yea no doubt, location is important for sure

Don’t want to be paying anything over 3K, nor will can I really afford anything over that.

Got a few things in mind at the moment, staying away from the blue devil above. :eek

New house I’m looking at now is in Rotterdam, this one looks like it has great potential all around for a starter home.

I’m not going to be too picky but a few issues with this one.

  1. Basement height : the height is about as tall as me, I can walk around with my head almost touching the beams and in some places it’s lower. It’s fine as a laundry/storage room but obviously not a good renovation project.
  2. Driveway is only one car wide
  3. Living room has no good arrangement for a typical TV/Couch viewing room.
  4. No attic.
  5. No fireplace
  6. Swamplands one one side.
  7. Off a busy street.
  8. Garage is a detached two bay that almost looks like on it’s way out.

And while on the subject, if the town approves I’d like to extend the garage back more and make it into a two bay 2 car deep with a room above afterward in the future. Anybody know of any good blueprints for a design? Must be tall enough for a lift as well.

Other than that, it all looks good! :thumb

MOST banks do not require an inspection. And Vlad, you find what you want and we will dig in.

Vlad, Rott isnt a bad place for a decent home, but options do come in colonie. Do not rush. The right place will come… it did for Wayne. His shiznit is pimpin. I had two perfect places for you… but they are gone now…but we will find more. At the moment we are investing in lake homes so that wont help you.

If you buy a forclosure or short sale, expect long long delays unless you know how to play the game, cause most let the normal pace occur, and its slow usually depending where they are at in the process. I have a good site for bank stuff, but i think its easier to steal from an estate or most likely a desperate seller…and there are more coming daily. The market is picking up a little locally, but options will come. I just inspected a great deal on dean st in niskayuna… 110k for a 3 family with a large 2 car. The other two units pay more than the mortgage… taxes were not good, but with the other units, you live there for 250-300 a month. You should be looking at two families… there are soooo many in schenectady, but i discourage living/buying there at this time due to taxes… and sometimes location.

I’m not rushing, but it’s the principle that a few key things have to be just right for me and this one happens to have them as long as the town would give approval to extend the garage.

Few things I got to have are, 3 bedroom house with a two car detached garage with room for expansion, at least a few feet from bordering houses on either side, taxes sub 3000$ a year and ideally a 1.5 bath or so.

I’m not even considering anything in Schenectady because of taxes. They are some of the highest in NY state and even up there on the national scale. $40+ for every $1000 estimated value.

No thanks.

I think I saw the 3 family you were talking about and I skipped right over it because of the taxes. My one problem with a multi family is that I wont have the time of day to deal with stuff once it goes and finding good tenants isn’t easy.

However if you see something let me know, didn’t sign my name anywhere… yet.

DUDE, i showed that house like months and months ago. Its on Rt 7 right? Off on the side rd there Disgusting.

Rotterdam is Schenectady County and when I was looking over there, taxes were high as well. Have you already looked into them over there where you are looking?

Rotterdam taxes arent bad.

Plus, you dont pay for water as you use it i think its like 25 or 30 bucks for the year no matter how you much you use it.

That will be expensive. Expensive enough where you might as well keep looking for the perfect house with a 2 car.

How expensive exactly? If it’s under $50k in the ballpark and I will be able to use some of the equity after a few years to roll into it as a home improvement loan, I wouldn’t mind.

Two car just doesn’t cut it nowdays, especially if I have roommates who would like a spot as well. Four car I think I could live with.

Town just said, it’s no problem to expand it 300sq ft, but anything more than that will need proper paperwork and jumping through hoops.

What would even be considered a “perfect house”? Especially for a starter home.

Silvernslow - yep thats that house. Wrecking would be doing it a favor.

Rotterdam taxes aren’t too bad, especially out there, it’s looking to be $3k a year for that house.

It’ll be way less than 50k to turn a 1 car into a 2 but keep in mind, if you do a 3+ car garage, you’ll never get your money back when you sell the house. Very few buyers WANT more garage space. Big garages are like swimming pools - they devalue the house for most people but there are a select few that really want them.