PRP tonight??

haha yeah.

i know alot of ppl on here dont like george and they may have there reasons but he hasnt really given me any reason not to. he has helped me with ALOT of stuff with my truck and hasnt asked anything in return other than for the tune. as far as tuning he may have not been as good of a tuner as he claimed back when he was tuning his 6.0 in his silverado but it seems that he has def improved his tuning capabilities and i am very happy with my tune now.

that being said i am not trying to start an argument with anybody i am just stating my opinion

i didnt say anything at all.

i know, i wasnt refering to you, im sorry if it came off as i was responding to your comment… that wasnt what i meant :wink:

you should definately step up to a larger stall. that truck has more in it for sure! I remember quik saying you have potential for 12’s…that will be close, the 60 foot will need to be QUICK lol

congrats fools

Thanks buddy.

new best for me up there wednesday 10.98 at 125

whats your civic look like?

cool i think i’ve seen you out there before! nice job