Ps3 1080p Question?

okay so me and LetItRip both have 1080p sony tv’s and we were trying to set out ps3’s up for the 1080p. Well for some odd reason it will not reconize anything higher then 1080i?

anyone know why?

another thing too shouldent it have full surround? we cannot get to work off the back speakers.

Cables being used:
Fiber Optic-Sound

And Its NHL 2K7 for the game

tv model?

Sony SXRD 60’

87FOX also has the same one

If the surround sound is anything like ps2’s you only get surround sound on cut scenes… Also from what I’ve read on google the game doesn’t do 1080p, only 720p (or 1080i).

According to several forums I looked at Most Sony SXRD models are not capable of input in 1080p.

Basically it takes 1080i, combines the two, and draws it using a progressive scan and calls it 1080p. A lot of forum posts about this exact issue with any PS3 game. Welcome to the world of Sony. :slight_smile:

Wrong. The XBR2’s can accept an input of 1080p via HDMI. Your forum posts are mostly about people whining that there composite input isn’t being upconverted to 1080p

hdmi should give You 1080p. ?

Not all ps3 games do 1080p



Cant wait til 360 v2.0 comes out with HDMI. im gettin that shit!

haha so wait Sony’s TV doesnt fully accept 1080p from Sony’s ps3…haha.

barrels of laughter

composite hd sucks

its allllllll about hdmi

if u read the thread, not all games are 1080p

unless you are rockin well over a 50" 1080p tv the difference will be very minimal-playstation magazine

NHL 2K7 only does 1080i. It’s not very likely that you’ll find cross-platform games adding 1080p capability just for one system.

THe 360 is the only platform that will upscale a game from 720p or 1080i to 1080p. The PS3 is locked to the game mode for resolution.

right but were using a HDMI to connect the ps3 to the SXRD. And with no game in it @ all it still will not go to 1080p