Thinking about going HD..

So I wanna get some upgrades for my room/home entertainment.
Surround sound
and a wall mount.

Any suggestions? Still kidna new to all of this.

As far as the television goes I have a an HD Sony WEGA Widescreen 56" LCD. AWESOME television and I highly recommend

I’ll prolly be going to a 42". Anything bigger will be too big for my room.

I have a samsung 42" 1080P No complaints I love it. I think thats what influenced me to pick up the 19" monitor from nyskyspy, I very pleased with both of them.

i know your room is too small for my tv, but I’ve got the sony 60 inch lcd rear projection. amazing quality. I think any tv will definitely look nice, just stay away from the knock off brands. I think you’ve got a winner with the aquos (sp?)

The LG LCD TV’s are nice too. I have a 42" LG LCD 1080 and it’s got an amazing picture on it. That and the Hitachi TV’s are my top picks in my oppinion.

If you want to go HD and have a PS3 your need a TV that is 1080P and HDMI input(s) There is also 1080i, so it can be confusing for some people, not to mention 720p and 420p. I think a lot of people put too much hype into resolution and screen size. The difference between 720p, 1080i and 1080p is so marginal the only reason to make sure you have 1080p is so that in the event that becomes the format that is broadcast in 2009 you will be all set. As for viewing it depends on the source, which is better. I have a really good upsampling DVD player, the problem is that any movie that was not shot digitally looks better in 420p ad not upsampled, and then movies that are digitially shot are kind of a crap shoot, with my set up 720p is better, but a lot of peopl prefer 1080i upsampling, try both and figure out what looks better. I don’t think any of the players upsample to 1080p, in fact as far as I know the hi-rez(blueray and HD DVD) players are not great for regular DVD, though that is slowly changing. You also must use HDMI or DVI if you want 720p or either of the 1080s, here comes a rub, 1080p loses a lot if its sent on a cable over 25ft, brings it down closer to 720p and 1080i. You can get 720p or 1080i with HDMI, DVI and component(sometimes called the RGB cable, its the 3 RCA’s, Red, Green and Blue, NOT Red, White and Yellow).

As far as screen size goes, go as big a you can afford while getting as many features as you can. I had 100" in a small room at my old place and currently have just over 200" and while the room is big its never over whelming even if your sitting on the close side. My projector is capable of 1080p, though I have a 50 ft HDMI cable so its not true 1080p, though the resolution is great on digitally shot movies and very good on older stuff, the old saying holds true, garbage in, garbage out, its only as good as its shot. If your more then 3 feet away its good, if your 10ft+ away its amazing. Be warned, once you go big its hard to watch on a small screen.