i want a 32 or 37 inch
1080p or 720p is fine

I have a 32 inch samsung hdtv 1080i, but not lcd. will that work?

check walmart if you want a 720p. They have some decent ones for pretty cheap. If you want a 1080 look at the big box stores because they just released new tvs with different chips so their older ones are now cheaper

is it slim

lol, no, its a flat screen, but it is pretty big, and heavy.

yea its for my room which is pretty small lol

do not waste your money on 1080P on a screen that small.

I have a 32" Flat panel HDTV in my room. I feel like I’m going blind after I play xbox on it for like 45 min. It’s way too fucking big for my small room lol.

oh, and I can’t tell the difference btwn 720 and 1080. You’ll be fine with 720.

they all have mailing lists and give special codes from time to time

last week one had 32" 1080i cant remember the name for 369

geek has a 32" westinghouse for 429 right now


sometimes geeks has b grade stuff like a scratch or a broken door and the shipping can be a bit much but they have really good deals too sometimes

all 3 sites have a good rep i have bought stuff from all 3 and had no problems

I also had this 32" in my bedroom, I would put it on at night before going to sleep, and it was so bright it would keep me awake.

I also that its hard to tell the difference betweem 1080i and 720p. I have both and they are very similar.

ok but the sites say referbished idk if i wanna take the risk on a used tv

you probably have your brightness turned up way too high. i doubt a 32" is too big. you can sit 4 feet from those and be fine.

EDIT: google your model tv for some good picture settings for it. factory default settings blow. there’s a difference between 1080 and 720, but you have to have a screen big enough to justify it.

It’s pretty bright. Never fucked with the settings on it though. I’m probably 8 feet away at most.

EDIT: Read your edit, and will do that now. Thanks :slight_smile:

there’s no way in hell your eyes should be hurting from that far on a tv that size. most tv’s have multiple settings. you can do like a day setting with higher brightness. if you’re playing at night, you don’t want it as bright which is probably why it’s hurting your eyes.

I always play late at night. I just fucked with it and it’s much better now.

:tup: thanks mang!

lol im glad u got help on my thread hahah
