Want To Run XBox360 HD hookups.....

I have a HD TV and it has a HD TV output, and a HD “component” hookup. HD TV goes to cable box (no other outputs for it) The “component” is goiing to the DVD/surround sound (no other outputs in the back of that either).
I unhooked the cable box (HD Time Warner Cable) and plugged in the XBox360 switched the…switch on that cable on the 360 and switched the HD display to 1080i and HOLY SHEIT!!! what a eff’in difference!!! BUT, now theirs a problem.
I dont feel like going through all that crap every time I use my 360. Do they make a HD splitter? Maybe to switch between the DVD/surround and the 360? I’ve looked at Circuit City and didnt have any luck.


I think you are gonna get better results with 720p rather than 1080i.

Google is your friend… This I found in 5 seconds with a search…





Yeah, I didnt know what I really needed. I had an idea but, didnt know what to call it.

RuBiCaNT : Why do u say I would get better results from the lower res. ?

1080i and 720p i really dont notice a difference in games.

720P will be better for fast paced video games, and you would never be able to see the difference between the 2 anyway. But PS3 with the 1080P will be > 360 when it starts getting used more often.

and 1080p tv’s become more common and cheaper priced
but they are on the way down, so soon enough!

:word: there is no difference

the 360 has 1080P too

Why do you say that?

From what I have been hearing 360 is 1080i max. and they do not offer DVI or HDMI inputs. So the picture quality will not keep up and in the next year or two PS3 will be far> 360.


research is your friend.

I really wish 360 had HDMI though :gotme:

me too

x3 :gotme: lol