Xbox 360 Video Issue

I hooked up my 360 to my living room television which has a component video hook-up so I used that. I was playing Gears of War last night and from time to time the screen would flicker red very quickly.

I have the component video cable set to TV right now. I’m just wondering if it should be changed to HD instead. My TV isn’t HD but does utilize the component video connections.

Anyone have any idea? I tried searching the MS knowledge base to no avail.

Make sure you have the right connections in. You shouldn’t have HD connections in a standard input.

To be honest you should look into getting an HD TV. Your robbing yourself by owning a 360 and playing it on a standard TV.

Yeah well the TV is going to have to wait…hopefully not for too long.

I have all the right connections in. Its strange because the TV is just a 32" Sony Wega tube TV, but is has the Component connections in the back of it. I was actually kinda surprised.

I had the Xbox hooked into my LCD monitor for my computer and it was working great, but it too much of a pain to keep switching the VGA cables and Audio cables every time I want to switch between 360 and my computer.

component cables is not indicative of HD broadcast

a lot of set have component as it is better than any other scource

if it flickrs see if one of your cables are loose, that is what is most likely the cause, otherwise make sure the x-box is set to 480i, and SD on the back.

How old is the TV? I’ve got a 27" Toshiba with component inputs. The TV is probably 5 or 6 years old and sadly the component input is starting to die… anything I connect through it has a green hue now :frowning:

Just more reason for me to upgrade to a 1080p TV after the holidays :smiley:

The TV is only 2 years old.

I disconnected the cables and made sure all the connections were clean, then plugged them back in. Seems to be fine now.