PS3 Cell Processor Yields

lol go sony!!!

lol matt, with some of the stuff you post about sony… I’m starting to wonder if they’ll even bother releasing the thing… it seems like they’d be better off cutting their losses and start work on a console on a totally different level from the PS3. (aka, next, next generation so they can be competitive)

never gunna happen, by doing that they would have to actually not steal anyone elses ideas, which i dont see them doing.

Breaks my heart too… :wink:


Okay, I’m out of breath now.

I’d say zapped, but they did a good job killing themselves during e3. Looks like MS of Japan is going down hard, and even then it will probably still sell if it ever sees the light of day. But 10% yields holy shit? :lol:

Wait, I’m kinda lost. By 10-20%, do they mean that during the creation of the processors, only 10-20% of them that come off the assembly line are useable?

What about the other 80-90%? Whats wrong with them?

You are correct, when a wafer of CPU’s come out, 10 - 20 percent of them are bad.

Here is what it looks like when it comes out…

i dont care wat it cost or nething…im a sony fan for life. i will buy ps3 and it will be good.

This is what will keep them in business

I am still buying a wii

and if 360 gets some better games


Bash all you want…

Only thing you can perhaps laugh about is the duck… Other then that, PS3>360 at least in the controller :stuck_out_tongue:

Well of course thats good, it wasnt their idea.

most sony stuff isnt :slight_smile:

ill bash the ps3 till hell freezes over, its going to be a big Pile of steamy shit

I’ll bring the beer :beer: and my 360! :smiley:

Some more on this same story…