PS3 CES Pics

I think it looks ugly…

Who cares what it looks like? If it performs well the exterior appearance could be anything it wants to be.

The controller looks like one of those budget mad catz pieces of shit. I cant imagine thats gonna be comfortable, i see they kept the left analog in the middle which is a dumb move. But i dont mind how the system looks.

All we have to go on is the pic so that’s what I gave… :wink:

Horrible looking controller.

Yeah I will admit that the controller is ass. It doesn’t look very comfortable and I think Rob is right on saying it looks like the 3rd party POS controllers. I pray they reconcile whatever differences they have with the old controller making company.

i h8 the controller…but like the system

Did you guys forget this. It sucked but who cared I still played for hours.

Yeah and those corners hurt your hands after a while.

it wasnt the corners that hurt your hands…

if anyone ever used the ‘slide finger back and forth over the buttons for extra super tap speed’ technique, you’d know pain. bloody fingers and calluses all over the place.

the only other super fast button tapping technique was the ‘seizure arm’ technique, where you tense up your forearm… that move was clutch.

and :word: i could care less how it looks, as long as it has Tekken5:DR, MGS4, GT5, Madden07 and anything else :slight_smile:

it looks an old answering machine

Ergos are fine on that controller for the time and the ammount of buttons.

That cow utter looking thing looks horrible though.

I like the controller…maybe looks bad, but I bet is very comfortable and light

looks like a second generation atari.

Well if thats the size they are lookin to get it in HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, a guy who i know who works at gamestop said its currently the size of a 17inch tv. The supercore processor runs extremely hot and has to be water cooled with a ton of fans as well, and they cant get it to work. The vid card is rediculus. 5 gigs of onboard ram on that. the cpu has 10 onboard. and they are having trouble getting it under a 1000 dollars…

WTF? 5GB of RAM and 10 GB on the die? That makes no sense :smiley:

10GB on a die would make the system like $100k? at least? Its hard enough for them to get 512kB on a die, let alone 1 million times that :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything you just typed is bullshit.

Are you sure?? :mamoru:


5Gig of RAM?? Please