PS3 in big trouble

so when is the big price drop on the PS3 coming?


there’s no way they’ll go to flash media. Optical is much cheaper to produce.

With that said, I’m still on the fence on BD really taking off. Like most said, a good DVD player will produce a good picture and DVD’s look fine to most people (and they cost less)… IF it does take off and become a standard, I don’t think it will be for a few years from now.

If anything, I think it will be it’s storage capacity that will win it over, more so than it’s HD abilities.

As technology advances things will get cheaper, and they will move away from moving parts, IE solid state drives, flash media, memory, etc.

I don’t say it’ll happen tomorrow but within 5-10 years you will see the market start moving away from mechanical devices.

I hate to sound so newbish but I really think this war came down to a much simpler battle.

Halo and Gears

I know so many people who made their purchasing decision on the exclusiveness of one of these titles or both. You can not refute the amount of Halo players there are out there, and Gears 1 was right up there. This battle ended when these titles dropped over a year ago IMHO.

I know for me another thing is controllers. I used to be all about PS controllers over any other system but everyone must admit those joystick are just not cutting it anymore.

Make any blu ray argument you want, but the majority of youngsters who purchased these systems made their decisions based on software. Blu ray to them was either a no concern or just added value. I feel like everyone on here is arguing blu ray was the deal maker but that was just a concern to us as older people, when realistically, a majority of the owners of these systems are kids who dont really care about its DVD capabilities.

ya know, even after getting used to the 360 controller, I STILL think the PS2 controller was/is the best ever made. It just felt so natural…

The PS3 controller sucks dick for coke… they took the PS2 controller and stripped the ergonomics from it. Tilting the L2&R2 buttons back was very dumb

the controller is one of the reasons why i hate the PS 1,2,3 the shape is just terrible and the lack of a trigger style button really sucks. the shoulder buttons are terrible to use in a game.

I guess I shouldnt have said streaming. What I meant was, I think movies will move along a similar path as music has. Yes there are still CDs, but I think many people have moved onto the Mp3 format for it’s ease of use. Using things like itunes to purchase their music.

With the connectivity abilities of today’s TVs, I dont think it will be long before peoples computers become back backbone of their home theater/entertainment systems.

DLing a movie to your HD permanently similar to itunes I think will be the new format. No discs to make. Once the movie is made, it can simply be uploaded for people to obtain, be it from an online store like BB/Amazon/itunes etc. That is just my opinion though.

I have to agree on the PS3 controller though. I hate the way they have made the upper buttons move.

nice when ps3 is 200$ they will sell proper ammounts.

I just don’t see it happening because of shear size of HD movies. A blu-ray disk is 50GB of storage. Compression is a dirty word when it comes to home theater people, so don’t expect to compress that movie much.

So even with a terabyte drive you’re talking about room for just 20 blu-ray disks. Then you’re dealing with streaming that beast of a file over your home network. And what about backing up those files? No big deal with your itunes library, but add in a few terabytes of movies and backing up not only takes a huge amount of space but a lot of time as well.

Good point. I was unaware of the size of a blu-ray disc.

streaming media through anything but and upconverting player looks awful. mass support for online based media is a lot further away than most people realize. people will adopt blu ray eventually. most of you didn’t have progressive scan DVD players when they were 300 to 400 dollars either.

Did anyone else get something from playstation?

If you get a credit card you get 150 off the system.So it was only 250.

PC > *

Idk, I bought my PS3 for the blu-ray and GT5 but not really much else. But overall I have been very happy with it as a product. How many threads do you see on here saying “PS3 Red light of death help!”. I dont care how many they do or don’t sell, but Ive been overall happy with the purchase

here’s another great read

Just because you slash prices to sell the console doesn’t mean all is well. AFAIK sony loses money on each console, cutting the price in half probably wont fix the situation or be feasible.

meh, I own both. xbox has more titles but the PS3 is a FAR better media-centric console. Blu-ray is great, its got a fantastic upsampler / noise-reduction processor (I’ve never seen DVD look that good or XVID AVI etc).

it did what was intended, it got a Blu-ray player into my house, and oh hey, I might game on it here and there.

shrug Either way Sony wins.

Streaming HD vids to my 360 using netflix is the best thing ever invented.

Yeah, I love watching crappy 80’s movies. Netflix really needs to start putting the new releases in the streaming queue.

Mine is just the opposite.


I let my Live sub die months ago.

Also, for the author to discount the economic crisis is just stupid. Saying that PS3 is not selling because of price further validates that. If parents have choice between a $200 and $400 system to keep their little shit bag from crying like a bitch Christmas morning, they will go with the cheaper option. Look at the all the horse shit electronics that people snap up on black Friday. “Let’s get another Sansui TV this Christmas since our other shit the bed after a year…but for $100 how could you go wrong?”

Mine went from


after modding the box