PS3 stolen, what next?

I was letting my buddy borrow my PS3 while I took my summer classes since I would not be using it and his house was invaded. Thankfully, (well kinda shitty) the only thing taken was my PS3. All the electronics in the house were unplugged and ready to go but they must have pussed out.

My question is since I registered it, is there anyway I can lock out those mother fuckers from using it? I may not get it back, but at least they wasted their time taking a giant paper weight. Sonys website is garbage and tells me nothing

thanks in advance

I highly doubt it, just make your buddy buy you a new one through renters/home owners insurance or out of pocket since it was his resonsibility at the time.

lol if renters insurance doesnt cover it then im over it. Its not my buddys fault people don’t have morals.

I doesnt matter whose fault it was. It was in your friends care therefore he is responsible for it until he puts it in your hands.

The proper thing to do would be for him to pay for it.
Thats what I would do.
Its basic “respect” etiquette

I like your thinking, btw can I borrow your car? How about 10k cash?

A PS3 is an expensive toy to just up and disappear, sounds like either you don’t care about it or like throwing money away.

Sounds shady…

You sure your friend didn’t get a free ps3 because he said it was “stolen”?

fixed if true

the deductible is probably $500 on the homeowners/renters insurance anyway, so if it’s getting replaced it’s probably going to be out of pocket. You shouldn’t even have to ask your friend to get you a new one, he should insist on it.

If you borrow my car and DAMAGE or wreck it then you are RESPONSIBLE for the damages.

You RENT a car and smash it you think they will pay for your bad luck?

I cant believe I even have to explain this.
Stupid american mentality where no one thinks they are accountable.

Your buddy stole it

stole? he prob sold it on CL…

hey guys i got a sweet deal on a ps3 the other day…

That is f’d up if that system shows up on the PSN network it should be an automatic e-mail to the authorities. The software is out there they will lock you out for a pirated game for crying out load!!!


thanks in advance[/quote]

lol you guys are ruthless. Apparently you don’t have very good friendships. I grew up with this kid and am great friends with his family as he is mine for the last 10 years.

Less PS3 more HWG

it was all a setup so he could steal your ps3 some day.

If he was a good friend hed pay for it.If he dosent at least offer then he knows your a pushover that is to pussy to ask.


he is on the same side of the argument as you

Stupid american mentality where people just argue and don’t read or think.

Understood, but if he was any kind of friend he would replace it because he was responsible for your items and should feel guilty.

He should at least offer to pay for half, if not all.