DES MOINES, Iowa – A blind Iowa man scored a perfect 300 game at the Century Lanes bowling alley on Saturday, The Storm Lake Times reported.
The Times said Dale Davis, 78, of Alta, called the game “quite a thrill.” He rolled 12 back-to-back strikes, the first-ever perfect game at the Century Lanes, The Times reported.
Excitement throughout the building grew as the crowd watched Davis roll ball after ball down the lanes.
"When I got to the tenth frame, I said ‘Lord, let me throw three more good balls,’ Davis told The Times.
Davis had given up his passion for the sport after losing his sight to macular degeneration years ago. His sister brought him back to the lanes, where he now plays six games a week, reported The Times.
“I can’t see the lane or the pins and have a heck of a time finding my ball sometimes,” Davis told The Times.
He finds the raised dots lining the lanes and then relies on his hearing and friends to tell him how well he did.
The perfect game has been his goal for years.
“After I went blind, I just assumed it wouldn’t happen,” said Davis.
Davis sports a 188 average and said he hopes to score another perfect game when he’s 90, The Times reported.