PSP Remote Play

I recently picked up a PSP and was curious about the remote play feature. Safe to say, this feature rules! I could stream TVersity MP3’s and movies (I tested season 4 of Entourage) both played flawlessly. My only beef was the music volume when playing MP3’s cranked to the max was not very loud. If you have a PS3 and a PSP, this is kinda cool if you want to watch movies remote on your PSP that reside on your PS3 or media server. Supposidly you can also remote play PS1 games. I tried God of War 2 (PS2) and it is not compatible with remote play. I am assuming the graphics processor in the PSP cannot handle PS2 games.

at 3.28 am on a friday nite…you have this on your mind?


Anybody wanna buy my psp cheap? No time to play it anymore, its just collecting dust

classified section d00d

Its been in there d00d

sorry matt, didnt mean to high jack ur thread, alittle advertising never hurt :wink:

I know, I know. :meh:

Yay for 2" porn!