Sears automotive @ the Colonie Center Mall = scumbags

Dude I love you! LOL Thats sig worthy, no better yet that’s put on the front desk at my shop worthy! I know you wanted to put “Are” in there I am just bustin your balls man! :rofl

Car came in to bay for battery. Tech noticed “un-even tire wear”, friend agree’d to free alignment check. Battery went in, car was moved to alignment rack. Car was removed from alignment rack, and put on lift. Car went up, owner said GTFO with the brake job give me my car back, car went down, tech drove through door like an idiot.

For all we know his foot could have slipped off the clutch, or he stopped near the door, thought he put it in neutral to get out and open the door, and dumped the clutch in gear as he went to step out.

Good point you are very right, they could have pry’d it in to check… but still. That doesn’t need to be done. Look at rotor for deep grooving, damage or out of spec wear. Look parallel to the rotor surface and see if there is pad material left. Inspection over.

Policed report says the tech was coasting through the garage and failed to stop the vehicle causing damage to the front of the car and the overhead door. Doesnt say shit for details, which is good. So its left up to the judge to ask the tech how come it didnt stop. Very simple case IMO.

Also as a responsible, intelligent and quick thinking person… Why not pull the hand brake when you apparently cant stop when COASTING towards a solid object??? If I were the judge I would beat this tech and the company to a pulp with common sense and logical thinking. CASE CLOSED!