wow, emanuel, back in action with the MS Paints… we need a thread soley for your MS Paint mona lisa’s for real, EvoM style!
I just shaved The Big Bent One, and the testicles that provide it’s love juice. I did it over the toilet. Many of the pubes went into the water, although some made their way to the rim and floor.
Should I be doing this activity outside in the grass (public/pubic view of course), or whats the deal?
This. :rofl
I think girl pubes are grosser than dude pubes
Ever get a bitch that does not trim it at all? It’s like, wake up and realize that doodz don’t want a facefull of hair.
Shaving ftw
no thats fine but please let it be your own terlet and please clean up.
i mach 3 it all in the shower so im all good with clean up.
here is exactly what happen play by play…
so i had to pee at work so naturally i go to the bathroom. so i step to the plate, start letting it flow and notice there are pubes on the top and get discusted! i decide to promptly go back to my desk and rant about it to yall. so i start the post and halfway through typing it, it dawns on me that this would be that much moar bettars with an MS paint mural. so i construct an accurate dipiction of what i saw and posted it.