Public Education System

Wow… AWDrifter is my new hero. Couldn’t agree more about liberals with silver spoons wanting to give the money away of people who actually worked to get where they are.

My mom was a single mother, a school teacher. Her parents a teacher and a bus driver. We were hardly rich growing up. I’ve done everything from driving cab, to working on a farm, to working at walmart, to being a software engineer with a software consulting firm on the side. This year, without my wife’s income, I’ll be pushing close to six figures, but 1/2 of that is my consulting company stuff that the government is taxing my profits at about 43% (I just talked to my tax accountant last week and left feeling like someone had kicked me in the balls).

So because I’m willing to work a 40+ hour a week 8-5 job, plus come home and work nights and weekends doing the consultant thing, the government feels they should get a much larger chunk of my money to give it to people who don’t work one job. And people like Joe think this is the greatest thing, and if anything they should take more money.