Public Education System

And when that group gets big enough and frustrated enough, they round up the ruling elite, AND CUT THEIR MOTHER FUCKING HEADS OFF!
At least I think I remember something like that from my public education.

Why is it that people complain about paying taxes for education, but not snow removal or road upkeep or public sewers.

I’d like to see national curriculum standards like China and Korea have. Not that it would be constitutional.

For those that think that NYS pays teachers too much, you should see what happens down here in the red states. Let me assure you, no one becomes a teacher because they love money.

That’s the main point of this entire discussion.


If people, (grand generalization) were to care more for their Own offsrping, then there would be less need for Government intervention.

I grew out of a single mother’s home who was on food stamps & unemployment for a time during the mid '80s when things were not so hot. Both she & I (as well as my sibling) still managed to be law abiding, productive, and successful citizens. Public schooling et al.
Because we were taught that RELYING on the government was NOT the way to be. Wether it’s there or not.

For example, we all have legs. But You know what, it’d be easier to get around in a wheelchair… so why dont we all use wheelchairs all the time? Wether we need them or not.
Fast forward a bit; someone will start bitching about all these people ABUSING handicapped “priviledges” (parking for example).
Does that mean that the Gov’t should outlaw & ban all handicapped “priviledges”?
You find the people that dont need to be in a wheelchair and make them walk on their own two legs.

No one disagrees with you…But what do you do for the children of those who do not?

Put a bill up that puts negligent parents away for 5-20 years and I’ll vote yay on it. I’m not for giving the parents a free ride when they don’t deserve it. But I’m ALL FOR GIVING EVERY CHILD IN AMERICA THE BEST EDUCATION THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN HISTORY CAN AFFORD. THE POOREST KID IN THE WORST GHETTO IN AMERICA SHOULD GRADUATE 12th GRADE WITH THE SAME EDUCATION AS THE RICHEST KID IN THE BEST GATED COMMUNITY IN AMERICA.

You should really have to apply to see if you could have kids or not.

But that’s a whole different topic…

You’re too fat, your eating habits could cause your kids to become too fat. Fat people cost tax payers more money. You cannot have kids.

Agreed, 100%

However, my concer is: how does one effect such a change?



But at what cost? Not monetary cost… civil cost.

America is BUILT on a class system. Pretty or not, it’s true.

Yes! Black market babies!

Im going to start an illegal baby factory right now for when this happens.

be back…got a meeting

Real Quick

How many people do you know? Get petitions, raise money, start a PAC, run for office…there are tons of things that people can do. Let’s say there are 500 people that read the forum actively every day and 1/2 of them agree with your idea that 250 people, let’s say they’ll each give you $20. That’s $5K, that’s 2.5 maximum yearly contributions to candidates. That’s 50,000 flyers to hand out that could generate another $50,000 thats some TV ad time, that’s some media exposure, that’s getting people to listen to your ideas.

Look, I know you’re never going to pass laws to ban people from having children. The whole reason I brought that up was to illustrate the point that the system is only broken because far too many people have kids that shouldn’t.

I understand the concept of social responsibility. I’d love to see all children grow up to be successful members of society. My problem is the fact that liberals seem to live in this fairy tale land where if everyone is given the chance and the money they will be successful. I’m sorry, but there are a lot of people out there who want to do nothing and have the rest of the world carry them along. Those are the people I don’t want one cent of my taxes going to support. The single mom who made a mistake, but is trying her best to teach her kid right and wrong, hoping the kid will have a better life… no problem, lets help them. But at the same time lets cut off the 3rd generation welfare family who has done nothing but mooch off the system with no hope of ever getting off, because they raise each generation to think it’s the right thing to do. Cut them off and then there is a WHOLE LOT more money to help the people who deserve the help, and who will actually take advantage of it.

And LOL at the guy thinking China is a good model to follow. You can’t compare apples and oranges. If you want one part of their society, you need the whole thing. Let me know how flushing baby girls plays on CNN.

That’s why I’m not having a kid :slight_smile:

lol anyone else have to watch that video in heath class back in highschool? :lol: flashback like woah

Joestypes wrote, “You very simply have no sense of social responsibility, at all.”

It was direct at me as he quoted a statement I made.

When you made that statement were you refering to…

The annual charity event I just hosted and organized 2 days ago that generated over $12,000.00 for Child & Adolesent Treatment Services?
Or were you refering to the St. Paddy’s day party I hosted and organized that generated thousands of dollars for CATS?
Or were you refering to the piles of money I give my church?
Or were you refering to me helping my employees when and how I can?
Or were you refering to me helping my friends when they ask?
Or were you refering to me helping my family when I can?
Or were you refering to the thousands of dollars I have given to veterans charities?
Or were you refering to the thousands I have given to The Boys & Girls Club?
Or were you refering to the hundreds of cookies, candy bars, and raffle tickets I have purchased?
Or were you refering to the money I have given to employees that have given birth to a child?
Or were you refering to the hundreds of other similarly socially irresponsible things I have done?

I guess because none of the above listed were government organizations I have no sense of social responsibility.:bloated:
I guess I should have given that money to some bloated, inefficient government organization.:bloated:

You say A LOT of dumb things but that one hit a nerve.

Joe maybe if you had to work at least one hard day in your life you wouldn’t be so quick to tell everyone to give THEIR money to the government.
You remind me of the limousine liberals like Babs.
When your ivory tower comes crashing down you better hope the government is there to help you because I have a feeling you couldn’t handle it on your own.

hahaha sweet

So let me get this straight, you give money to child and adolescent treatment, boys and girls club, etc., but the kids that they help shouldnt be provided an education?

Wow… AWDrifter is my new hero. Couldn’t agree more about liberals with silver spoons wanting to give the money away of people who actually worked to get where they are.

My mom was a single mother, a school teacher. Her parents a teacher and a bus driver. We were hardly rich growing up. I’ve done everything from driving cab, to working on a farm, to working at walmart, to being a software engineer with a software consulting firm on the side. This year, without my wife’s income, I’ll be pushing close to six figures, but 1/2 of that is my consulting company stuff that the government is taxing my profits at about 43% (I just talked to my tax accountant last week and left feeling like someone had kicked me in the balls).

So because I’m willing to work a 40+ hour a week 8-5 job, plus come home and work nights and weekends doing the consultant thing, the government feels they should get a much larger chunk of my money to give it to people who don’t work one job. And people like Joe think this is the greatest thing, and if anything they should take more money.

Wow, did you have a public education?:bloated:
How did you do in reading comprehension?

where did you go to school?

I think a big problem lies at home. i went to 64, 67, 56, then city honors. in the younger years, it seems a lot of kids just didn’t care. it wasn’t a priority. It was mostly social. i think their homes fostered an environment that didnt really enforce scholastic solidarity at a young age, hence the kid falls drastically behind.

the problem isn’t JUST throw money at the schools. yes, they are severely underfunded. some teachers dont care about their job if they get paid poorly.

i didnt read this thread, i will. just throwing something out there

:rofl: So you support all these organizations that help unfortunate children and their families, yet you blame the gov’t for supporting the same children and families…

AND THEN you say that the gov’t is conditioning these people to accept these handouts…but you don’t think the charities you give money to do the same?

Do you hate the word “tax” so much that no matter what good tax money can do you’re just against it?

How can you be for nationally and locally funded charitable organizations, yet against drawing smaller amounts from a MUCH larger pool to create a huge amount of funds to educate the youth of America??

I particularly like that you’re raising money for child health care services, yet don’t want state/federally funded health care programs to cover every child in America…to provide services such as mental health care… :meh:

Why are you giving money to veterans groups? Seriously. Oh wait, yeah that’s because our government doesn’t take care of it’s veterans.

Most charities that exist shouldn’t have to. A social charity means the government has failed to care for the citizens. Sure there are exceptions but anything that has to do with healthcare or education shouldn’t have to exist.

You say that government programs are bloated and inefficient…yet instead of reforming them, you’d rather do away with them.

Is it that you would rather have 100% control over what social investment programs get your money? Even though that would mean that funding for underprivileged youth would be a small fraction of what it is now…

Let’s say you donate $20,000/yr to charitable organizations…that would be enough to put oh like 2.5 kids through a year of private school without government funding of education…I would imagine that since around 1/2 of all school aged children are in single parent homes that such a cut off of funding would mean a lot of those children aren’t going to school. I suppose we could have “discount” schools funded by companies like Wal-Mart though, because that would be fucking great for our country…but hey, you might have another couple grand in your pocket to donate to charity.

As for your Ivory Tower comment…who was president of Springville Mfg. Co before you? Was it…a family member?

Oh and seriously, I’ve been working since I was 16 full time every summer and at least 20/hrs wk during HIGH SCHOOL and I’ve worked at least 30 hrs/week since I started college…and now I have a fairly substantial posistion in the company I work for…So blow me…is it my fault I’ve been able to get jobs that didn’t require I bust my ass lifting heavy shit? I don’t think so.

And PS - My parents haven’t paid my bills (on purpose) for a few years :wink: but hey, thanks for playing

Yes, because 99% of the people on government assistance programs are just milking the system :bloated: I never said gov’t programs are perfect…but that the programs are necessary. I’m sure you could pay less in taxes if the money was spent and managed better. Well maybe not now since we have that 290 billion dollar war to pay for…

The War In Iraq Costs

Instead, we could have hired 96,741 additional public school teachers @ $100,000+ for 20 years.

Instead, we could have insured 173,788,194 children for one year. That’s over twice the ammount of children under 18 in america

Damn I wish we couldn’t run deficits…because then people would figure out that the tax cut isn’t a cut in taxes just a delay in paying them…plus interest

Oh hey, how much did you guys get from your tax cut? Because you owe $2,379 for the war in Iraq…and yes, that is per tax payer.

Now, if these funds were be applied to something useful, beneficial, and something with a legacy… such as appropriated Child Education… would You feel better?

Because that’s what he’s getting at (i think).

More money out of Working Pockets to pay for education for all.


what years? if You dont mind me asking