Public Education System

Howie, this has only been manditory for a few years.

I totally agree with you, but at the same time when you sign up to be a lifeguard you have to go in to save every idiot that dives into the deepend.

There def. needs to be something done about parents influence in the school system. Teachers need to be able to talk honestly to students without fear, I agree with you that there is too much PC bullshit in our school system these days.

Yeah, but teachers are still only human. After several years even a saint will break if they make no progress, and then on the news every night they hear these same parents who refuse to lift a finger to help their own kids bitch that teachers make too much money.

That’s the key right there, but what do you do about it? I don’t think you can pass a law that says you have to be a good parent to have kids. Maybe nano-technology will be the answer. At birth you’re injected and little machines shut off your reproductive ability. Then once you meet that special someone and want to reproduce you have to pass a “pre kid” interview, then you get the injection to turn the kid factory back on. Before we all bitch about how wrong this is, just think about what a better place the world would be if only people that really wanted kids, and should have them, could have them.

I had a long response written but lost it.

It all comes down to this…



Joe, your responses don’t surprise me and my responses should not surprise you.


Have you know sense of social responsibility to the future of the country?

Educated citizens are more valuable to the greater good of the country than uneducated ones. Can we agree on that?

If so, I suggest you take a look at this:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States

The general welfare of the United States in my opinion is directly related to the level of education of its citizens. Shit the ability to defend the country is directly related to the level of education of its citizens.

This is where the thread should have ended.

That was the money shot right there, Andy.

Actually, I shouldnt say it should have been ended. I can see mass debations coming out of this thread. There definitely is room for improvement in the education system. But, ill post my thoughts on this later.

Why do liberals always push the blame on the responsible people?!?!?

The system needs work, but it starts with the parents. I do not believe it has nothing to do with race or economic class on whether a child is going to do well. I know of at least 20 people who went to Clarence High who dropped out, and either didn’t get their GED or had to go to ALP to get it. All their parents were well off. The problem lies is their parents do not care.

If I brought home anything under a B I was in big trouble. My parents did not tolerate any bullshit. A and B’s or else. Many parents are not involved at all. I make sure my daughter (who is 6) read, practice sight words, and teach her things that she will be learning next year in 1st grade. I see some parents who could careless if their kid is practicing words and doing homework. I think many parents today are lacking in establishing the importance of a good education to a child.

The general welfare of the United States in my opinion is directly related to the level of BREEDING.

Why is it not your responsibility? Becuase it is not your child? So whos responsibility is it? The parents? And if they are unable to provide that child with an education what is to happen to that child? Are they to go without education?

So your solution is to create a MUCH LARGER CLASS OF UNEDUCATED, IGNORANT PEOPLE WHO WILL JUST CREATE MORE UNEDUCATED IGNORANT PEOPLE. Rather than pool possible tax money from hundreds of millions of US Citizens to create more educated people who will get higher paying jobs, and as a result contribute to the tax base thus lowering your tax burden?

Why do you think that you live in a bubble uneffected by the rest of the world?


So Mr. Small Government Republican, do you want to start passing laws on who can and cannot breed?

That’s fine, but it has to be a TWO WAY STREET! You want me to pay for them? Fine, then I get a say in how you raise them. You don’t do a good job and there has to be some sort of penalty against YOU. And no, that doesn’t mean taking away the kid you never wanted in the first place. But if you’re going to force the responsibility of some crack whore’s kid on me, you better give me the ability to force some responsibility back on her.

I know I do. I think I could see past a slightly larger government part for the much smaller taxes part.

In what way?

The two way street is the child getting an education and not making the mistakes of their parents. That’s where the benefit to you comes in. It’s not immediate, but it’s there.

Oh really? I’m sorry, you’re not allowed to have children because you’re not attractive enough and we only want super attractive people breeding. Or how about you don’t make over $500,000 a year, and really we only want people who can give their children the ABSOLUTE BEST OF EVERYTHING to breed, so try again in a couple more years. Your police escort will be by next week to take your wife for her mandatory abortion, the cost is $800 (enjoy the tax cut though!)

But who is to say what is the “correct” way of raising a child?

PS. I also know a lot of educated people that do a lot of dumb shit.

Education is not the key to being a good parent, but I’m sure it helps

some of tne smartest people have no common sense. Parents need to be more accountable. I think as a nation we should all do what we can to improve the system. Not pass it off as if it doesn’t affect me, fuck it.

Yeah, that’s the system we have now, and it doesn’t work. Because no matter how much money you take from me and give to these kids with bad parents, unless the parents are somehow FORCED to be responsible it will make no difference.

You can be as ugly as you want. I’ll even let you put those exact words in there. But if you have no financial means to raise a child, or your basic psychological profile shows you shouldn’t even be near kids, let alone raise them, then you shouldn’t have them. I’m not saying pass a law so only perfect parents can have kids, but how about some bare minimum standards. Even animals in the wild are smart enough to not have babies in the middle of winter, but humans will pop out a kid when they can’t afford to feed themselves and then just expect society to pay for that kid.

Mr. Small Government Republican - I like that, maybe it could be put under my name.

If you know me at all you know I don’t want more laws and I don’t want the government to try to solve all of the social ills of the counrtry.

What I don’t want is all of the irresponsible people being excused of their responsibilities.
I am sick and tired of this bullshit!
And the government is gulity of conditioning people to live this way!
This country has been going downhill ever since welfare started.

True enough.

Problem is, How, and at what point, do You cut in front of a generation and DO IT.

The general consensus of the popoulation and gov’t love to tote the phrase “The Buck Stops HERE”. Sadly, none will enforce it.

Educate the parents, or educate this generation so that they can continue to eductate the following generations. The values of RESPECT would make a FUCILLO sized difference in the direction of this country.

This country, as it stands, is not keeping pace. We WILL NOT BE the most powerful country (economically or otherwise) by the time Our Grandchildren enter the workforce.

I couldnt agree more.

But there are also dirt poor people who raise great kids, who go on to great success. To prevent them from having children because some (maybe even most) in the same situation neglect their children is wrong. That would be the same as saying young black men aren’t allowed to walk around unless they’re going to school or work because many of them commit crimes.

Enforce child protection laws better and revamp the foster care programs…preventing people from having children through law enforcement is NOT an option. So other solutions need to be found.

You very simply have no sense of social responsibility, at all. I guess that’s ok, but that is not what this country is about. This country is about helping those less fortunate, especially children WHO HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE WORLD THEY ARE BORN INTO. Yes, sure, there are those that take advantage of the system…There are those that abuse the system. Yes, the system needs work. But to say that “fuck you if you’re poor, I have no reason to help you”, I guess that just strikes me as wrong.

The ME ME ME thinking is what hurts and divides our country.

You want to stop stupid laws from getting passed? Educate the public so they don’t elect some asshole because “I like the way he looks” or “I love god, he loves god, he must be good”…Maybe with an educated public 3rd parties can stand a chance at winning some races because people wont base their vote on whoever ran the most 30-second spots.

A well educated public goes a long way in making EVERYONES life better. Yeah sure, maybe those who pay the bill will get fucked a little, maybe your generation wont really see the benefits, but mine will, your kids’ will…but if all you focus on is how good can YOU live RIGHT NOW and fuck whoever comes after we’ll never make this country better.