Pulled Shoulder advice?

Time to seek the medical advice from nyspeed. My shoulder has been acting up and it started when I was working out. I’m pretty sure its the outer muscle (which ever that one is) and I can’t move my arm in certin ways or pick things up without being in alot of pain. Any suggestions in trying to speed up healing? It’s been like this for 3 days and no sign of getting better.

Dont use it. If its a sprain or tear it will take a long time to heal.
Take Ibuprofen as a anti-inflamatory… this works for short term but the effects are immediate.
Naproxen Sodium lasts a lot longer but it may take several doses for it to take effect.

Going to the doctor is the best thing since he can presecibe steroid based medications that will help you heal faster.

Thanks, i’ve never had a problem with it before and the weight I was doing was normal it just all of a sudden is reallllly sore. Any way to self diagnose if its a tear or sprain?

Dont half ass it when it comes to health. You can replace car parts but when you fuck yourself up you can have a unpleasant, daily reminder for the rest of your life.

Go to the doctor and be dramatic about the pain and assertive about how you want some serious stuff to help you heal.

ill be the 1rst, could be teh aids working its way thru your body. (past threads should have taught you better then to seek medical advice here)

But seriously goto a docotr, until then ICY HOT that thing up might help a little to releive some of the pain also Take some ibruprofin with that too.

Less weight lifting, more cs:s :slight_smile:

i got hit by a sled ( snowmobile ) a few years back, tore my shoulder in 3 places, fucked up some nerves in my elbow to. lots and lots of rest, seriously like a month of maybe opening a jar of mayo, it will feel better, but ease into useing it again, my shoulder and elbow bother me to this day, cold weather dont help, phicyal thepery didnt help much for me

Step 1. Grab on to a solid object using arm in question.
Step 2. Hold on tightly
Step 3. Toss your body back as hard as possible while holding said object

Best case scenario: Your dick falls off.
Worst case scenario: Death.

Or vise versa depending on your outlook on life.

I should be the official NYSpeed doctor. :pimp:

see a doctor, i thought I just tore/sprained it. Dislocated with a fracture, took me two weeks to see a doctor where they told me it would have healed much better and faster if i had come in right away

Thanks, Im gunna give it a couple more days of rest and see if it gets better, if not to the doctor i go. And yes Tg, more css is to come due to lack of using my arm :slight_smile:

couple of days wont do shit… we are talking about a couple of months

Sounds like your rotator cuff is strained or partially torn. I separated my shoulder about 5 years ago. After I did it, I could not move it without pain for a few weeks and wasn’t myself in the gym for a good 2+ months.

Go to your doctor immediately and get it looked at.

Chondroitin and glucosamine are the two ingredients that you want for joint support.

Good luck

i strained my shoulder a couple years ago. I thought i was only sore from work so i gave it a couple weeks. well, here i am 2 yrs later after multiple doctors/ and pshysical theropy. about 6 cortozone shots ands electro theropy, and i still cringe when i take my shirt off or do certain tasks. Ive had 2 xrays and 2 mri’s. all of which show swelling and joint aggrivation. I guess i have a shoulder impingement, and do to my hard labor at work and my workouts at the gym it doesnt seem to get better. I even took a month off work and just layed around and it actually got worse. The only way to keep it less painful is to keep it moving and stretched.

best advise docotrs gave me was give it time and it may fix itself or to get surgery where they actually shave the bone to make more room for the tendon.

Soooo, my advise to you is to go to a doctor imediately. SHoulder injuries are no joke!!!

Goto work, say OWWW i think i pulled something and then BAM workers Comp, may as well get paid to be out

Go to the driving range.

electro theropy is the shit