Possible torn hamstring?

Has anyone pulled/tore their hamstring before?

I’m pretty sure I did at Bandettes practice tonight, but I can’t tell for sure.

Any self-help tips for a speedy recovery?

You’d know if you tore it.

Well, I can barely walk, trying to stretch it at all hurts, and the ice/tylenol doesn’t seem to be helping

I heard something pop right when it happened :shrug:


It might be time to go see a doctor.

Yea, I’m at school so I’m headed to the health center tomorrow morning :frowning:

I swear, I have a curse. Lots of stuff going on= me getting hurt

Lots of ice. See a doctor.

heard something pop = see a doctor

what are you guys fucking doctors?

dont listen to them.

just drink one whole bottle of southern comfort, by the time its all gone you’ll be fine.

Teh Dr. Fox has spoken. :tup:

yea man deff go see the doc ASAP if u heard a pop and cant walk its prob not good if pain killers arnt working

i retract my previous statment.

i like this more better drinkie!

Jack or Crown will work just as well :smiley:

:puke: leave that shit to the oversized azns :nite:

do the doctor. i have plantar facietis (sp?) which is a muscle that runs under the heal that is messed up i havent walked right since march and thats after cortazone shots (which hurt like hell) and heel cups grrr doctor says i waited too long to have it looked at so dont wait go to the doctor i would much rather have had a cast or something for 6-8 weeks than the pain i’ve had for 8 months

ouch… yeah, deff. go to the docs

what were you doing when you heard the “pop”? kicking your leg up, doing a split, ? it might just be a rough pull, but if it keeps hurting for days… that can not be good.

could be a strain or a hyperexension.

speedy recovery?



stay off it for a while, and then do LIGHT work outs with it. that will give you increased blood flow to that area.

you’re fine.

girls seem to always think they are more injured than they are.
“OMG i am sure i broke my arm” next day, oh, it went away…

Ice is good, Tylenol is useless. You need IBU or motrin which is the same thing. Tylenol is for headaches, motrin and IBU are for pulled muscles because they are anti-inflamatory. :fyi:

Torn, probably not, pretty big muscle to tear, most likely strained.

hamstring injurys are very common. people dont stretch them, run, stop quickly, and pow… you have an injury