puppy for free

yea he is house trained , i will let every1 know tho if the person doesnt follow through and take him

ok updated with the dog , i have been leaving him out of his cage but i still dont think its fair to him to be there for hours with no attention so he is up for grabs again and please dont take him if you are going to do the same thing he just needs some more attention thats all so email me or pm me if interested …and please dont say anything if not interested

I had the same problem when I got my then-girlfriend a maltese. We projected our own feelings onto him and felt bad about leaving him alone all day. Our solution was to get him a dog. :lol: So now we have 2 dogs that sit around all day and we no longer feel bad.

yea… now we’re supposed to be getting amini maltese. thanks fry.

lol… its my dogs black twin

well i haveanother dog that is alot older but i just feel bad leaving him there


if you have the extra $$, and can afford it; find a GOOD doggy daycare; it sounds “yuppy”; but my 13wk old lab is a new dog from going ONCE!!! Me and my GF are taking her either 2 or 3 times a week now to the “Puppy Play Pen” on Delaware. It’s like $20 for the day but cheaper if you buy days a head of time.

I figure $40 a week for 2 days there gets her out of the crate and burning energy off like crazy all day; plus she LOVES the interaction with other dogs.

*edit: Yesterday was her first day, and she came home and was EXHAUSTED, to the point she fell asleep in the car on the way home, slept most of the evening, and through the night… and is still “hungover” today. I have nothing but good things to say about them, they work with the dogs one-on-one for training so they can be controlled/handled at the facility, and let the dogs play all day, both inside and outside.

Thats a great idea… they need alot of pac interaction, especially starting out.

If you dont end up getting rid of him, and you wanna set up a play date, send me a pm. My dog likes to get out and run around a lot

its a guy :gay:

if i get my apartment within the next couple weeks i will take the dog if you still have him by then

bump… any1… just needs to be going to a good home

bump any one please he is going to the spca if not gone by the end of the week

boo to SPCA! I’m going to ask around and see if we cant get him in a home!

if I didnt have 2 pits right now or I had a larger yard, i’d take him in a heartbeat!. Im still half tempted.

Do you care about the dog at all or are you just another asshole pet owner? You thought I was being a dick when you were trying to get him adopted? Taking him to the spca is just a death sentence…

i was thinking the same…just didnt wanna open this up for a flame war.

I just think the dog is better off in your cage at home with limited attention, than in one at the SPCA with the same limited attention

I don’t really have respect for people that buy a dog because “it would be cool to have a pitbull, that are sweet!” and then later realize they got in too deep and give it to the SPCA. They cannot find these dogs home. Best case scenario is that the dog ends up in another shitty home.

If you cared about the dog, you would keep him. The dog is plenty happy at home, just sleeping and being lazy while you are not home.

There are millions of pet owners who have day jobs the same as you, and still own dogs. IT IS EXTREMELY RARE FOR A DOG TO SUFFER FROM SEPARATION ANXIETY. So please, stop using it as an excuse. I can see that this clearly is not the problem. The problem is that you are lazy/cheap and do not care about the dog.

you still got the pup? i know someone whold like a buddy for thiers…

listen here board junky or whatever your name i didnt even know he was a pitbull till i took hi mto the vet so shut ur mouth and as for him being pleanty happy at home well he might be but when u come home to your house being ripped apart and ur dad ready to kill you im not so happy so u dont know me or my situation and im not just some person who got a dog cause he thought it would be cool ,and as for him ending up in another "shitty home"i know alot of good people that go to the spca to get dogs and i have the money the dog gets well taken care of and i think that u need to stay out of this thread cause u dont know shit about me or the dog …end of story i leave him out of his cage cause whenever he hears something he wags his tail and the end of his tail was cut open from the cage so i took him to the vet and got it taken care of and no longer keep him in his cage , so he is not in a cage and he has the freedom to run in the backyard but when he is inside he tears the house up, and its not my house its my dads SO JUST STAY OUT UNLESS U KNOW SOMEONE WHO WANTS HIM AND just because you leave your dog home alone and a millon other people do means i should ,so a millon people said lets jump off niagara falls you’ll live you would do it ? didnt think so…just because u think something is right doesnt mean i do…

i might have a home for him one of my friends have to check with his mom they just lost their dog and are looking for one . i will let every1 know tomarrow may 6th how it went