
Ok so I drove my car yesterday and it was fine. It’s a d15 with 142XXX but it runs awesome. I parked it yesterday at 4pm and tried to drive it again at 5pm and the fucker wouldn’t start. It cranked like it was trying to start but the motor wouldn’t fire. It wasn’t the battery because it wasn’t clicking it was just the starter turning. I tried it again at 10pm and it started right up just like usual. It ran perfect and I even turned it off and back on again and it started up right away no hesitation. I have absolutely no idea where to start with this thing but I can’t get stuck somewhere because my car refuses to fire. HELP!!!

starter bendix sticking?

no the starter is cranking like normal. for some reason the motor isn’t firing to start. my fuel pump is fine and it appears to only do it sometimes. this is the first time this has happened and like i said it was fine yesterday, not this afternoon, and fine again at 10pm

vapor lock because it was so f’n hot out yesterday. explaining why it fired up at 10pm. or the usual problem of the ignition problem under the hood, somthing like the coil or a ignition mod. not working properly

sorry guys there was a 25 hour difference between when the car was parked and when i tried to start it again. 4pm is when i parked it and 5pm the next day was when i tried to start it again.

i would have to say that it sounds like the ignitor is going bad or could possibly be the coil but i wouls definatly replace that dizzy soon if it is stock cause if that siezes up your car will jump time and fuck some shit up

I know in the older D-series motors ignitors were definitely known to go bad. Keep running it, if it happens again I’d start checking the dizzy.

vapor lock because it was so f’n hot out yesterday. explaining why it fired up at 10pm. or the usual problem of the ignition problem under the hood, somthing like the coil or a ignition mod. not working properly

I used to have that happen with a brand new integra gsr, and type-r the damn things wouldn’t start when it was real hot I would take off the gas cap they would start right up. I was like the boy who cried wolf to acura roadside assistance

actually we did take the gas cap off to listen for the fuel pump before we tried starting it at 10pm. i wonder if it could’ve been that. what else should i look for if the ignitor is starting to go bad? should i replace the plugs and wires too just to be safe?