89 Civic DX w/ D15 HELP

i went to start my car friday morning to go to work and it just clicked, like the battery was dead…i didnt have time so i didnt mess with it i just took my parents car to work, then i didnt mess with it untill yesterday because i was busy for the holiday…

I started by hooking up a jump box to it…instead of starting like i thought it would, the starter just kept on turning over, over and over again and not starting…after like 5-10 times of this it eventually started to start, then actually started but ran really ruff, puffed out all kinds of white smoke, and then was running fine…repeatedly shut it off and on, and it was working normally, then i went to go start my car last night leavin my friends house and it was just clicking again and then the same stuff happened when i got it to eventually start using jumper cables…

i work at Ray Laks so i asked a TECH and he said headgasket, but the plugs have no green/white shit on them, and the oil isnt foamy or nothing as if AntiFreeze is getting in the head…plus i dont understand how that could cause the starter to act…

"’’’'i need help i am completely clueless to whats wrong…

starter going? next time it does that try to push start it n if it runs right away thats your problem

check starter, ground wiring, then move onto ignition wiring. i think the white smoke was just condensation from sitting like u said it had been

it is the starter staring to go, these are the SAME EXACT conditions we say on 95accordvtec’s car last year…starter was finicky so we replaced it and never been a problem since, i hear this is common. go get a rebuilt one at auto-zone they are priced well and will do the job


replace the battery terminals, they weren’t very tight and i couldn’t get them to tighten up, but it always started for me so I didn’t mess with it. Also check the ground cables, un bolt them and clean em up. it probably blew the smoke from cranking and cranking and not firing, then just all the extra fuel in the motor and exhaust burned off right away when it started. If you can’t figgure it out, you can swing by my shop and i’ll check it out for you.

starter sounds f’d
as for it turning over and not starting… that sounds like a frozen line.
