Starter going bad?

First some background. Car had been in storage getting clutch done
between Nov. '04 and April '05 battery was disconnected for a good 3-4
months consecutively.

Battery is also in the trunk using 4GA car audio cable. Have had zero
problems even in cold weather starting her up.

Since getting car back on road about 2 weeks ago, I’ve put about
1000kms on it and no problem.

This evening, I went to the car after work and I turn the key. Dash lights
up, chimes, etc. but engine doesn’t turn over.

Wait a few seconds, try again. Nothing.

Take key out, wait a few seconds more, and this time it starts to crank
but rather slowly and eventually fires up. Then it ran/idled fine.

So what could it be?

  • Battery?
  • Alternator?
  • Starter?

that is almost definitely the starter. happened to me just this past winter. I would get it changed asap. I was about to get my car towed by CAA to the repair shop and all the tow truck driver did was hit the starter with a stick while i started her up and it worked. Saved me a tow :stuck_out_tongue:

Nate (who helped me do my clutch swap) did that after my car didn’t start
up when we were finisehd with the swap. He said just try cranking while I
hit it with a stick.

I dunno why that would work but it turned out I left the starter harness
disconnected. :rofl:

But yea, how does hitting the starter while cranking help?

It works because the electrical circuits in the starter are worn and by hitting the starter it readjusts somehow to the way its supposed to be internally. Don’t know for sure though…but it works :stuck_out_tongue: also depends how bad the starter is I guess in the first place.

If the starter is not working and you hit it with something and then it works, the problem is the starter solenoid, the unit that makes the starter start. They tend to stick when they are on their way out.

If this is the case, definitely change it.


I’ll have to hit up the local Napa soon. If it’s a $50 part or some shit I’ll
get something in by May 15th. Wouldn’t wanna be stuck there :noes:

Hey I got a starter that I got off bing for 50 and ended up not needing it.

I got a starter here G, talk to me on msn…
Open it up and check the contacts and brushes…

There would be more than enough people there to push your ass G if need be.

i had the same EXACT problem. but i figured my + batt cable was loose. i just tried to tighten them and it started fine.