q45 maf

i want to put a q45 maf on my stock sr. the original maf is not working to well and i dont want to buy another sohc or sr maf i rather go bigger. my question is would the q45 maf sensor work with the sr and what do i need to do to make it work properly?

you will need an AFC controller like an Safc E-mange and get keep getting better from there, powerFC AEM…

would i be able to run it without one for like 2 or 3 months. because my maf is a sr one right now but it messes up my idle it stays at 1000 rpm. and when i go full throttle it doesnt function properly.

or should i just go with a z32 if im not gonna run a air fuel controller right away. because i want to get a new maf sensor first because the sr one i have is messed up and craps out on me when accelerating.