Q's about Winter Storage

  1. you’ll be fine

  2. any brand

  3. as long as it’s fairly fresh, do it in the spring, before you start it up the first time - don’t change weight, you won’t start it thus don’t need the cold-start protection of a thinner weight (you’d want 5w50 like the new Platinum stuff btw)

  4. I would buy those rubber anti-flat-spot pads you park on if anything

  5. yes, and maybe put in a mouse trap or two under / around the car

  6. that one is up in the air, if your garage has power, yeah, a trickle-charger is smart, but I’d just store the battery in your basement ON A SET OF 2x4 boards, NOT ON CONCRETE (kills batteries)

  7. good idea re: shit dripping etc on the car. if there are, a nondescript car cover might be a nice theft deterrent too

  8. i would think that unless you have a MAJOR moisture problem on the concrete / or a dirt floor this is unnecessary

  9. correct, bad idea.

  10. absolutely terrible idea it’s not a 60s rustang

  11. VERY good idea

  12. it’s not Fargo ND and you’re on OEM coolant, should be fine.

  13. waste of time / retarded

  14. rodents is the key here, don’t ask how I know :frowning: an OILY rag in the tail pipes is good, it reduces the chances of (surface) rust and the oil should also discourage a rat from pulling it out to use as a nest material. also totally overkill though, me, I wouldn’t bother.

  15. WORST idea I’ve read. do it in the spring - brake fluid is Hydroscopic - aka it absorbs moisture, so why the heck would anyone do it BEFORE letting it sit and absorb 3 months of moisture, vs doing it before driving the car? :shoot: porsche n00bz on the 986 forums (like mister hocky-puck-jack-pad moron from last night lol)