Q's about Winter Storage

which is why its not named Elanor

I never liked that name.

Back on topic. I don’t do a whole lot when I store my car. I just put some stabilizer in, check the tires and disconnect the battery. I haven’t had a problem yet.

remove your battery, bring it indoors, don’t set it on concrete.

No need to store, when you spend all winter working on it.

Named Sally because the Porsche Carerra in the movie Cars is named Sally, and her and my car look very alike. See my avatar.

sally > *


One thing I discovered that I really like: DampRid. Put one of those in the car, and in the trunk. You’ll be amazed at how much water you find in the tub in the spring.

"cept when your engine ingests the stuff cause the mouse nest was in your air box and the little rodesnts decided to use part of your airfilter for the nesting materal.

I found that putting a plate of moth balls under the whip works well along with a few pieces of irish spring soap scattered around the interior. They don’t like the smell. And it keeps your car smelling fresh.

Thanks for all the suggestions/answers! Good to know I didn’t forget about anything major.

It sounds like you are storing this thing for a couple years.(?)

If you are just storing it for 3 or 4 months I wouldn’t waste my time with most of that stuff.
Just make sure the car is clean and has no salt on it,
unless you enjoy doing stuff like this and have a lot of free time.

My 2 cents.

Edit: Think about it, cars sit on dealer lots for more than six months sometimes and that is outside.

Sorry for the double post.

jeez if its just for the winter, change the oil, put good gas in it (maybe some stabil).

THen just park the thing inside with a cover on it.

Thats all I do.

Yank the battery and put it in the house on a piece of wood, so it doesn’t sit directly on the ground.

I clean the car real good and put boxes of baking soda to absorb any smells.

Put the climate control on vent.

This car is my most prized posession… I’m extremely anal about how I take care of her. I already don’t like the idea of her just sitting for months on end, but if I gotta do it, I’m just making sure I do it right.

it will get damaged more in one day of driving it than t will sitting for 3-4 months. You’re a psycho.

I’m glad you’re not my girlfriend. “You’re not putting that thing in me until you scrub it with soap and water and wrap it in 3 layers of latex”

In a 3 month period it won’t really pose too many issues. Just:

-Change oil
-Put fresh fuel in
-Start it up once a week/month
-Move it a bit so the tires are not on the same spot all the time.
-Make sure it is in a safe dry place

Honestly very little will happen for that short of a duration. Most dealer cars are out longer and deal with much worse conditions.

If you aren’t going to be helpful in regards to a legitimate auto question, which is what I thought this forum was for, then don’t post. There is absolutely no reason to be dick about it.

Most of what I have read says NOT to do this because it will generate moisture which will then just sit in the exhaust?

^^^ you run it long enough to heat everything up to burn the moisture back off everything, which is something people forget to do

run it till the exhaust tip is hot and your good again, and you have a relativly short exhaust too, so it wont take long

Do winter temps here typically stay below 32F? If so, then I’d maybe go down to 5w-30… but if they generally stay between 32 and 50F, then I’d go to 10w-30.
Yeah typicly you are looking at an average of around 20-25 durring the day, mid low teens at night. sometime we get the periods of like -10 for 2 weeks at a crack, but not too often. :tup: to global warming lol.

Ok, now that I actually feel like typing.

Change the oil, over inflate the tires, make sure you have a FULL tank of gas (with stabalizer).

DO NOT go start the car every week/month. All you do is get condensation in everything. If you want to start it, let it warm up and go drive it HARD, otherwise just let it sit. Put the battery on a charger, make sure it’s at full charge. Modern batteries 12v DO NOT discharge on concrete floors, but I still put mine on 2x4’s out of habbit from owning the '48. A car cover is a good idea, but anything other than what I mentioned is a waste fo time for the winter.