Quattro's Plotter Kill Adventure

A few of us decided to take the pup on a “hike” at the Plotter Kill Nature Preserve. Pretty cool place and close too. The beast loved it and it was his first experience with water (other than the shower, which he oddly loves).

How about a video:


And a few pictures:

Awesome pup! I take my dog with me on every hike. They make awesome companions on a hike because they never complain and have a seemingly endless store of energy! Thinking about checking another Catskill 3500’er or two off my list this upcoming weekend if we ever dry out.

Thanks man! I can’t wait to do some more hiking with the beast. He had a blast.

If you’re ever lookin for someone to hike with lemme know, my dog is excellent with other dogs.

My dog does the EXACT same thing with the water. I got a question what are you guys using for fles and tick meds? I am having a hard time find a good flea and tick medicine that actually works. I would love to go hiking with my dog but am deathly afraid of him getting bit by ticks, do not wanna deal with Lyme.

I tried to name my dog Quattro, the wife wouldn’t have it. End up with Shelby lol

Good looking dog

We use frontline for ticks with good results. I also will give her a spritz of bug spray if the bugs are bad. So far no ticks with many pine bush hikes lol.

Frontline plus or just frontline? Also we should have a shift dog day.

Nice pics as always Nick.

Plus. And I Concur, my pup needs more dog buddies haha!

Mine does too, just usually sits at home allday til we get we take him for walks and stuff but he doesn’t get much other dog socialization.

Same. My parents have a dog that she plays with a good bit but other than that not much socialization. She needs to meet more blonde dogs (yellow labs/golden retrievers). On a hike a couple years ago we ran into a guy with a yellow lab and after asking its owner if he was good with other dogs and him telling me he was I let her meet him and he sniffed her then bit her in the snout. Ever since she’s been terrified of any blonde dog larger than her. She isn’t aggressive she just yelps and tries to hide from it.

Mine is good around all dogs for the most part.

Yeah I’ve never seen my dog as much as growl, I’m convinced she doesn’t know how to be mean. My son managed to get to her and give her tail one hell of a yank the other day before I could get to him. All she did was stand up and walk to a different part of the living room and lay down. Which while terrifying for a moment was a huge relief to see her reaction lol.

Not to continue goobering up Nicks thread, but yea with the baby on the way we are curious how he is going to act when she is here. It’s only been me and my wife with him since he was a puppy. So it should be interesting.

I wish my dog wasnt so damn old so I could take him on a hike like that. I still take him for a walk every night but going thru the woods would probably be too much now.