ehh… we all know my stance so i wont’ go anywhere with that…
blu-ray, current day, games and movies are only built and shipped on single layer discs… these discs hold 25gb of data… a theoretical dual-layer disc will contain 50gb and a quad layer at 100gb… theoretically speaking.
hd-dvd is shipped in dual layer discs… these discs hold 15gb of data… so where we stand today… hd-dvd’s hold 30gb of data (dual- 15 gb layer) and blu-ray hold 25gb (single 25gb layer).
hd-dvd has 3layer discs in the 45gb realm and surely could have more…
the layering of discs is the new technology… i already posted the article of the dude that put standard dvd, data dvd, hd-dvd and blu-ray dvd movies all onto the same multi-layered disc.
i agree there is tons of misinformation and opinions…