Question about computer HD's

Im looking to find an external HD to put all of my movies on. What I want to be able to do is take the HD with me if I want to so that I can watch movies durring long flights or at the lib at school in between classes. I was browsing ebay and have seen a bunch of 2.5" external HD that are powered off of the USB. Most of these are under 200GB and are rather expensive. Does anyone know of a protable HD that is over 200GB and is also powered off of the USB? I know that you can you the bigger 3.5" HD’s and they are bigger and cheaper which is ok with me but it seems like they all come with a power cord that you need to plug into a wall which isnt all that practicle for what I want it for. So basically what Im looking for is a Big cappacity HD that can be powered off of the USB cable. Any Ideas?

theres a number of “kits” out there that take a standard HD that would normaly be internal, and it givs them a case, and all the power comes from the usb cable

you supply the hard drive, hich allows you to shop for a deal on ebay or such

scroll down a little ways:

2.5" externals are laptop HD’s in an enclosure.
3.5" is a regular desktop HD in an enclosure.

The desktop HD consumes more power,therefore requires a external power supply.

Biggest one I could find on newegg that was 2.5 external was 100gb.

Any 3.5" hdd will require external power. Your best bet is to:

1: upgrade your laptop’s hdd to 100gb
2: buy a/several 2gb usb thumb drives

Buy a laptop hard drive. They are designed to be MUCH more resistant to shock.
3.5 desktops suck a dick in this respect. I know because I crashed at least 4 of them so far. Your “savings” wont be worth shit when you lose all your data.

^^^ true, but odly, ive punched my computer at LEAST 100 times since 98 … and only had one hd die … 2nd hd that died was cause it was old when i got it, older then the first one …