Computer guys/Photo guys, Some input PLZ.

OK, well I’ve been looking for an external hard drive to hold all my pictures on, rather than taking up a lot of space on my laptop.

What should I look for? Anything specific? Size(space/GB or TB/how much)? Brand?

I’ve been browsing but there’s so many, and I dunno what to buy.

Thanks in advance!

do you have esata on your laptop?

Do I have what? lol

LoL same post as ReDevil BUT he was lookng for a new laptop hard drive BUT I recommended this:

e serial ata, new laptops have these for this exact use external hard drives. transfers data a lot faster than usb 2.0. its a fairly new feature.

they have a 1.0 GB for 30 bucks less and free shipping too. depends on your budget, i read a lot of the reviews when i buy from newegg def helps.

Does not appear to have said “e serial ata”. My laptop is new though, as of last October.

although, I have no idea really what I’m looking at.

last october is not new lOL

buy this:

and then buy any sata drive you want. Like maybe 2 of these:

kinda looks like a usb port joey, and actually serves as an additional usb port. but it is slightly different has 2 slits to accept the tabs on a sata cable kinda hard to explain. i can post a pic of mine but u probly just dont have one.

lol slack I like that idea

Yeah those docks are neat, I should just buy one of those. I have a 100gb, and a 500gb 3.5" HDDs sitting right here.

Actually, newegg made it easy…

A dock and 2 1TB drives. So 2TB of storage that can be hot swapped with other drive whenever you want. Fill one up, buy another drive and pull the full one out and put the new one in. Need stuff off the full one? Just plug it back into the dock. Makes moving lots of data around VERY easy.

I’m thinking about either this one:

or this one:

Let me know what you think.

Definitely cool and seems to be the best option, but I don’t really want to spend $200+ on an external HD right now. I’m only using it for my pictures.

and that is one hell of a good price too

The WD will be easier to pick up and go as it’s smaller in size (its about 50% smaller than the other one). So if that’s what you want, go for it. Wouldn’t buy the other one, only has as 3 Egg score on newegg.

ahhh joe why waste 70 bucks when you can get like 20X more storage for just a simple 130 bucks more, better to spend it now than end up spending 270 dollars

Spend a little more and get the 1TB, just because. They even have the Western Digital 1TB external at WalMart if you want it now, for $109

What you can do then is get the dock (Cavalry 2-Bay 2.5" & 3.5" USB 2.0 Hard Drive Dock - as it’s only $40 and a harddrive of your choice that fits your budget. The dock will allow for really easy expandability when you need more space. Simply buy another drive and plug it in.