Question about upgrading to XP Pro

I have XP home right now, and my GF has XP pro on her computer. We both have HP’s too. If I take the disks that came with her computer, can I put XP pro on my comp? Will it delete everything that is on my comp now or will it just upgrade it?

it “should” just upgrade it… not positive on that though.

I’m also pretty sure that you will need to use her serial number/cd key though as your home version wont work anymore.

I didn’t think there was much difference now between Home and Pro once you downloaded Service Pack 2.

Remote desktop isnt on any home edition regaurdless of the upgrades :roll2: thats why I want Pro. Can you use her serial number/cd key on my computer? Is it going to screw her up? Im not sure how the serial number/cd key works.

Usually on the prepackaged computers the key is inbedded in the win xp software and you dont have to do anything, if it does ask you to register it won’t be a big deal the number is usually on the side of the tower, just don’t install it a shit load of times or you will have to call and lie to them,

why would you WANT the remote desktop? (if it’s what I’m thinking it is) Why not use timbuktu or something similar?

:word: thats what i thought but i figured i would just tell him it’s possible

Home doesn’t support domains either

Pretty much look at it this way - professional is for managed workgroups

home is for just that - homes. No managed security, permissions… well, a lot less.

Also if you have dual processors (like me) home won’t support it.

Logical disk management - none in Home.

No IIS. If you don’t know what it is, then don’t worry, you won’t use it.

Ive never heard of Timbuktu. Where can you get this software?

Or even RealVNC, or TightVNC. Are both free alternatives to remote desktop if used for personal use. Also have the ability to work on you computer though a web browser on any system.

I’m sure you can find it for download if ya look around online a little :wink: (coughtorrentcough):slight_smile:


Works great for me. Not alot of bandwidth usage either. VNC uses way too much bandwidth for my tastes.