We had a employee car show today at work. They don’t allow pictures on campus here otherwise I’d post some.
Anyway, there was an early 80’s VW (rabbit or jetta looking thing) and it was electric. From what some people told me there (couldn’t find the owner) the car has been fully electric and it has regenerative braking since the year it was made. On the front bumper it has OEM looking decals saying “Electric”. It can go a top speed of 60mph with a range of 50-80miles.
Has anyone heard of any VW electric cars made in the early 80’s? It is possible that GE (the company I work for) converted it to electric as they have been doing that to some cars for many years now as research projects.
Wow sounds like a broken record in here…echo…echo…echo
Voltsrabbit / VW Rabbit EV conversion
Yeah its a common platform for EV conversion today, but this was done in the early 80’s. Pretty neat.
Amazing stats for a 20yr old conversion, many modern EV’s have a tough time breaking those stats.
Bet that thing would do a burly burnout too.
full electric converson done for under 10K. lots of ppl do it nowadays. u can buy kits for that or buy one converted. u have to plug these in though, theyre not hybrids.
I have no interest in an electric car right now. But just thought it was interesting.
awesome man! didn’t even know they were doing that shit back in the eighties!
check out some of the electric drag race cars they have. its prety nasty. you see a dinky little car sittin there makin no sound, then the damn thing takes off liek a bat outta hell. its pretty awesome