question for UB computer people

when i started at UB last year, i recieved a copy of Symantec Anit Virus and Aymantec Client Security Firewall. i believe that my versions are outdated and need to be updated. can i go into UB Micro or the CIT Help Desk and jsut ask for an upgraded copy of that? im guessing i need an update because on my taskbar i have the little yellow shield icon but it has an excamation point over it and says “scanning Agent Not Found” when i try to scan.

also, i have a TON of processes running, i kno how to get rid of the ones that open durring startup, but i have no idea what ones i need and what ones i dont. my computer is running extremely slow. please help. thanks

  1. don’t go to the helpdesk they will just tell you this

and remember … scan in safe mode after you do a live update, also is this a laptop? or a desktop… if its a desktop you can bring it in to the walkin office in lockwood… and thye can help you there…

if its a desktop you can call them at (search for it, on ub’s webby) but their help is limited due to piolicy changes, they try to focus more on UB related problems as oppose to virus issues… but remember its free… so if you call them and tell you to go get professional remediation DON’T FUCKING BITCH ABOUT IT!!

Mike… the Tech Tools that you get has Symantec Antivirus and Firewall. They don’t expire, they are the corporate editions.

But you could do 2 things, 1 download it from UB’s website or come in and buy a Tech Tools 2006 for $4.95 plus tax.

^ i will be in tomorrow to pick up an external hard drive as well as the new tech tools…then im just gonna re-format and hope for the best.

adaware is your best friend.

dont waste your $5 on the cd. the exact same programs are available for download for free on UB’s website

help desk ppl dont know what theyre talking about, dont go there

im not sure what that link is that ILC posted, but just remember, you MUST remove ALL old antivirus and firewall programs BEFORE installing the new one. When you download it, get the one that says Symantec Client Security(that one has anti-virus and firewall in one package)

I mentioned that in my other post. I think I forgot to mention the free part.
Come in Mike and see me, I’ll hook you up.

I would go to UB Micro and see if there is a free upgraded version

everything on the tech tools cd is exacty whats on the website. if they upgrade whats on the cd, they upgrade whats on the website. basically all the cd is for is if you want the piece of mind of having a hard copy.

yea thats true

and for the record, i bought the cd about 2 years ago, i dont think theyve changed it at all.

What you are experiencing is an issue with SP2 and Symantec’s NAV software. I forgot where it was :confused: (hell I was gonna post on the forums) but there is an option to stop SP2 Security agent from bitching that you don’t have AV software even though you do. . .

NAV never expires. I installed it on my PC like 3 years ago and is still valid for updates.

the software on that cd is updated and changed a few times a month


Techtools disc? I know the Help Desk gets a bunch of those :3

help desk wont give them to you, they will tell u to burn the .iso on a pub site machine or to download all the programs seperately

there is a link on the desktop of every public site computer to take u to the download for the tech tools disk image

ive noticed the software on the website has changed, i havent bothered to get a new disc. ah whatever…

You need to get a new disc. They make a new disc for each semester.
Just download the software from the website and be done with it.

BTW - it doesn’t “expire”, but if the version get’s too old, you can’t get updates for it - ie SAV 7 doesn’t play nice with LiveUpdate anymore.

Giving them to you and having a bunch are different :3

im prob gonna do all this tomorrow, since i dont have school today and i got caught up in cleaning my truck. Joe, i will be stopping in to see you tomorrow. i think im gonna hold off on the external hard drive idea for the time being and just get the new version on Symantec and run a full scan/delete. i have the feeling thats gonna free up some space. i went looking though all of my files, and theres a ton of shit that i have no clue what it is (so that prob cant be good).