question for you pro painters out there

ok, i painted my fuel rail covers and clear coated them using a rattle can. i had to wet sand to get rid of slight orange peel that was unavoidable with those damn rattle cans. i then used a paste polishing compound which shined it up decently. but it looks like a 10 year old car with swirl marks. what do you suggest i buy to get rid of those swirls. I don’t have a buffer, i have to do this all by hand. Also, the paint is black, so its gonna show anything, i’d just like it to look better.

Originally posted by BlackZ28
ok, i painted my fuel rail covers and clear coated them using a rattle can. i had to wet sand to get rid of slight orange peel that was unavoidable with those damn rattle cans. i then used a paste polishing compound which shined it up decently. but it looks like a 10 year old car with swirl marks. what do you suggest i buy to get rid of those swirls. I don’t have a buffer, i have to do this all by hand. Also, the paint is black, so its gonna show anything, i’d just like it to look better.

as far as paste…IMO it sux, i use liquid waxes
i cant see getting a good finish with your typical spray cans. and wet sanding them i dont
know about that idea. since spray cans usually dont cure to well. you need to use a highspeed
polisher to get the dullness out.

heres ex.
if i have runs or orange peel.
i first wet sand it with 1000, then 1200 or 1500, then depending on the situation i will use
2000 to get it smooth. then go over it with a buffing compound. after buffing i use hand glaze
after hand glazing, i then use a polish wax. then a finish wax…then your bling bling

as far as swirl marks there is a “cheap” way get black wax yeah it works but when it is washed
it kinda disapeers

well these are fuel rail covers, so i doubt they’ll be getting washed with soap and water. i used 1500 grit then 2500 grit to sand.