funniest picture ever… “it’ll get ya drunk!”
you’ll be fucking fats girls in no time…lol
somehow my cell phone got behind there one time
and i had to bring my hand up from under the glove box after listening to it ring for hours…
damn intrepids.
i had a similar problem when there was a cat at a shop i worked at, it went inside the sofa. lol my friend took it out and almost stabbed it with a huge knife while ripping the sofa open.
i had a similar problem when there was a cat at a shop i worked at, it went inside the sofa. lol my friend took it out and almost stabbed it with a huge knife while ripping the sofa open.
cats suck.
That’s why I run a straightpipe!
id just use the axe
I hope it didnt crap, piss and chew on your electrical wires.