Question Of The Day (QOTD): Have you ever...

I didn’t see a previous post so I will start what looks like the first NYSpeed QOTD…

General QOTD Rules (subject to change):

  1. You must start the question with the Topic in the Thread Title (ex. Have you ever…).
  2. You must answer the question truthfully.
  3. You must ask ONE addition question after your answer. No gibberish allowed unless you Answer and Post a question.
  4. You may not ask the same question as another one already posted.
  5. Anyone can start a QOTD at anytime.

That’s it now enjoy…

Have you ever been caught staring at a girl you were “checking out” by the girl you were looking at?

Yes of course.

QOTD: Another one of these chain threads?


Have you ever thought Nikuk was retarded because he can’t follow simple rules?

Yes of course.

Have you ever wanted to sign someone up for

No, but sounds like fun.

Have you ever modified you car and then 1 yr later wish you left it stock?

Yes I have

Have you ever bought a car you wish you hadn’t?


have you ever bought a stock car with the intensions to build and then you wish you wouldve just bought it built already

god yes.

Ever get caught masturbating?

Close, but never have.

Have you ever cheated on your g/f…b/f?

Yeah, I’ve cheated on a girlfriend before.

Have you ever bought a Honda, because a boosted B seemed fast, then realized you were stupid, then bought a car with a Small block in it?

yes not with curent wife/gf but in the past

have your ever been hooked up with a step brother/sister?

Yes I have, Step sister we were 16.

Have you ever thought about one of your car project’s while getting head?

lol i have also 2 diff step sisters .opps

all the time

have you ever worked on said project and got head while under car working on it?

if i could answer my own question …yep

Does it count if i was in the back seat of the pull vehicle getting head, while my crew swapped Rearends in my race car?
If so Yes, if not then No.


Have you ever put a german flag on the roof of your car, to make it less Euro and more Jdm?

I guess

Have you ever gone a whole day at work and did nothing?

Almost everyday hahaha

Have you ever wanted to race speedped with a lawnmower, because it would be a close race?

No, everyone knows the only thing capable of taking a 305 down is the almighty 1.8T.

Who has bigger shoes Ronald McDonald, or Big Foot?

(i think your ? was supposed to start with have you ever)

Have you ever blown an actual fart bubble with your ass?

No but the guy a cubical over does it all day!

Have you ever wished UBRF was around still?

yes only if it was b4 nyspeed no one was on there once this site came out

if fart bubble you mean in water…yes with out water no

have you ever tried the smucker’s goober stawberry ?