
3000 mile trip
3 people
520 miles to the tank
13 gal tank
$3.25 dollars per gallon
whats the cost of the trip per person?

$84.50 / person

Is this real? 3000miles/3people= 1000 miles per person. 1000 miles/25 gallons= $81.25 per person.

$255 total, 85/piece?

Seriously? This requires the most basic forms of math to solve…

Gas will run ~$250…so call it $85 per person. Factor in tolls, if necessary. Maybe cut the car owner some slack for wear and tear if this isn’t in a rental car…

Free. Run all tolls. Fill tank with gas and drive away with out paying.

$121.88 for the 2 people not driving and free for the driver

Sell one of the people in Birmingham, profit $498.90?

you all fail as you forgot to account in for food as well!

Can you put the question in the title so i dont have to click?

I came up with $ 81.25 as well. I smell a trick question here.

3000 miles / 520 mi per tank / 13 ga per tank x $3.25 per ga. / 3 people.

the plane will take off.

I’ve lost all hope for society.

Edit: no, 7

Gas is more than 3.25

thats all I got.

The boat will move.

Prob smartest comment yet. More like 3.85. Big game changer, now let’s see everyone’s math. And account for the avg gas price for the state you’ll be in every 520 miles. I still think the answer is 7.

Depending where these 3000 miles are…$3.25 could be had

Going through the trouble of averaging the gas prices based on where the stops would be, but being unable to calculate the cost per person, does not seem plausible to me.
I’d like to recall my response, and go with B.

Why not throw it on a card and when you get home divide total reciepts by 3?