Hey, I live in pittsburgh pa. I have been detailing cars for about 4 years for other people. I am branching off and starting my own business. I wanted to see if you guys thought these prices were fair.
Full detail $90
Wash and wax $35
Quick wash $10
INterior shampoo $40
Now the full detail includes engine bay, door jams. tire shine, wheel cleaner i mean everything cleaned
wash is washing car, windows, wheels, tires, vacuuming the interior out. air freshner
interior is getting steamed cleaned and interior dressing and quick wash
wash is washin car and a good coat of was including wheels tires windows
what chemicals are u using? pro, car care?
where is your shop at?
out fo your houseon the side, or running an actual business?
then i’ll reply
Rigt now i do it out of a mechanic garage. But imma start doing it out of my garage. I only use professional materials. I pay $100 For 5 gallons of the stuff. And I know what im doing. I do not hack vehicles. Been doing it for a while and I’m wanted by 3 detail shops around here. Just cant make enough money doing it for someone. Rather do it myself. Dont like Listening to bullshit. Everyone hacks. I dont.
And im located in Bridgeville pa
thats a good price, and where in bridgeville? I might have seen this place Im always at my 2nd home on rt 50
sounds like to me your general public prices are to cheap on some, and right on others. the hand wash and interior is priced ok, but the full detail and the wash and wax i’d go a bit higher on. also, you need to do a break down for small car/truck, vans, big car/trucks, etc. or you will have people w/ fullsize copnversion vans wanting a full detail for 90 bucks.
if u go out solo, chances are good that general public will not be your business. rather a used car lot will pay your bills via 50-75 bucks per car range for a full detail, but they are what keeps you afloat. 3 lots giving you 3-4 cars a day helps out alot.
why i asked about chemicals is i know the shit aint cheap. i ran a shop while in high school for 4 years. Yeah, my boss sucked, so i literally ran the shop! setup the apointments, did the books, orderd the parts, hired/fired help, and detailed the cars–which is probably why i dont clean my own cars b/c i dont give a fuck anymore.
thats more stuff you need to add in. figure gp cleaner, clear tire shine for interior, blue for exterior, degreaser, cheap butter wax for wash and wax, good wax and buffing compounds for full details, then all the lint free rags, glass cleaner, cotton swabs/tooth picks/etc to get in vents… shit adds up. then utilities.
good luck with your business, but we all know that Pittsburgh is in PA… 
as a consumer, those prices sound attractive to me.
I’ve been meaning to get my car detailed for a while…considering I could pedal my bike to Bridgeville, I’m interested…
lol thanks guys for the info and feedback.