Quick question v. first speeding ticket

I meant it’s not SPEEDING VIOLATION which is what a lot of insurance companies use to raise the rates.

Yep. Disgusting isn’t it?

Technically you were right. The judge could and did dismiss it. Good job. I never really thought it was a good idea to do the supporting dep especially if the cop is prosecuting the case.

Sorry, that’s not true. The ADA often doesn’t handle the case especially lately given the financial problems of the state and local gov’t. You piss a cop off and it can easily come back to you.

Like everytime I went to court, they checked it. They even mentioned I am only getting off easy because my record is flawless. But, it depends on the court. They can vary a bit.

The same goes for my fiancee who has a lot of court time and my cousin-in-law who is a former NYPD cop and Orange County detective.