quik video i thru together

I see nothing but traction excuses from quik in the near future:scared:

nice vid mac, that was nicely done too, good race quik that truck is fast fo sho

Nice car cheeks

thanks:idb: and yes good race cheeks. rematch in a few weeks

with the bottle pray tell???


cheeks’ 240 is wicked and a real handfull.
I wouldnt feel bad getting beat by it thought at least you gave it a shot, thats more than alot of ppl can say
flowinfly- great vid. good editing and good song choice 3 thumbs up! :bigthumb::bigthumb::bigthumb:i wana see some daytime shots now


hopefully for your sake sonny thats not for me, my car was a shell when I bought it and would hand your german tree hugging waste of metal its ass any time of the fucking day. You wanna talk shit bring your hunk of fuck out for a piece :greddy:

I gave it some shots, and saw nothin but tailights.

same as the truck, you need to mod that hell even against dan you faird poorly but you did win :booty:

:whitey: :itr41:

quik never looses

hey cheeks…my buddy would like a taste of your 240. That thing looks wicked. its a Boosted civic …pm me when you want to meet up.

Zex I though you were 5-0 ? I wouldnt set up race with someone who has stated that they are 5-0…

thats the same civic the supposely runs low 11s and beats litre bikes along wit the accord running a high 11

highly doubt both

who IN THE FUCK EVER said my car runs 11’s? I sure as hell never did. My car will run a 13.5 at best(this year). As for your truck beating this civic, want to put some cash on it? I personally will wager you on it. …I’m sure it will never happen so Cheeks, hit me up. And what the hell is the 5-0 stuff, I don’t even know what the hell you are talking about? I don’t even know who you are? BTW…Only girls start or beleive rumors they hear from other people. I know the little pittspeed clicks are hard to keep your yaps shut.

a few ppl you told down the strip. its funny when YOU open your mouth how many ppl know ppl and are actaully around. i might be going deaf but i sure can hear a few things and heard you claim your time. as for racing a fucking POS blue civic tell him get a slip? or how about this tell him find me a the track. sorry roll racing dont count. you got more stories then Dr. Suess my friend. and running your mouth about pittspeed, then why the fuck is your ass on here?

and why would cheeks want to run a slow 13 civic

:hahano: :hahano: :hahano: The most funny people on this site (or in life)are the ones that hear some bullshit from somebody like dan or some other BS’er. Your a bigger fool for believing them, than them actually saying it.I would love for you to prove one false, lie, fib, exaggeration I have ever said. I don’t sit on the pittspeed all day and have lived an eventfull life to say the least. Why am I on pittspeed? Well, I got a good deal on some nice wheels yesterday. Check both of our recent posts. I’m sure 99% of yours are dramatic fighting BS. Mine are probably more or less looking for parts, congratting someone ect… I think you need to go get laid my friend, you seem to have a bit of anger stored up.

if its 13’s then run him tongiht mr. know-it-all
12.59 really isnt that fast either man. It takes all your energy in life to make something run that fast to LOL If I devoted as much time as you into something it sure as hell would be a lot faster than that.

So i guess Cutty is someone not to believe? someon that has a valuable rep unlike yourself. you make stories up, you lie like whore on her back. now lets not even begin on going on about your life and its made up stories. you believe the lies you make up as your life. its funny go down the strip and i hear stories of you and your cop fighting days, how you can beat a yellow litre bike, how you go 11.90s, hwo your buddy in that civic has a 10s car. sorry but for someone random to hear that somebuddy was opening there mouth like you do

as for anger you have no idea