quik's video at thunder in DA burgh

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: THATS YOUR 11.5 RIDE RIGHT. YOU SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEMS THEN ::dunno:

no, how about you leave since you dont do shit for this site besides bad mouth a shop or two

sad thing is bring your DD to the plate, oh wait you cant you have to bring your drag car that someoen does all the work to

bought not built

but please show up, please pretty please

mr confident then…well then looser leaves permantly



This is a must read thread for you sr.

Damn…you people don’t have much of a sense of humor on here do you?..LOL

i thought the poop comment was…

we can race to…i am not afraid of a loss. it just makes you want to work that much harder

that what pittspeed is here for car enthousits

its cool cammie

same with tic tac

Damn straight brother…the only person I am trying to beat is myself!

so is VALTREX,

its about that time, go take care of your beating yourself needs and then come back and post some

thats the way to be…also your car is moving now. i love your ride

yea you would knwo about that from fucking a crack whore

Lets go to the emails then :smiley: my suger doesn’t get fucked up from not eating all day

just come in person… sorry that you need to rely on someone to try and provide info on me. you have nothing on me, YOU HAVE NOTHING…

yea real fucking good man, make fun of someone with diabietes…nice one

this is a car board so can we run for the pittspeed pink sleep then. all or nothing looser walks away

whats sleep you dumbass?

you cant touch me dude dont even try…and you talk big being in NJ

Seems to me that a “STOCK” speed density fox coupe with gears. sticky tires, and exhaust should have been in the 12’s easily with a competent driver. OHH and I was there and saw the back seat MIA.

actually PINE RICHLAND …want to meet tonight for TEA AND TRISCUTS