Quite a ride...


i wonder if he even bothered to try and put the wheelchair brakes on, or put it in reverse?

He was probably hoping he would die

This was on WGRZ last night too. Crazy story. What I don’t get is how he could have gone 4 miles before he stopped. I’m a pretty big asshole, but if I met a semi and it had some terrified dude on a wheelchair stuck to the grill I’d certainly whip a 180 and get the guy to stop. You can’t tell me in 4 miles he didn’t meet more than a few cars.


i wonder if he even bothered to try and put the wheelchair brakes on, or put it in reverse?


because that would be one of the most retarded things to even think…even more retarded than a retard in a wheel chair, stuck to a semi.

what’s he gonna do? bring the semi to a screeching hault?

At that point, you go with the flow and do what ever it takes to keep your wheel chair upright and stable.

Is it me or does the guy really look retarded ? :gotme:


ha ha ha ha ha ha

edit: bwaha ha haa aha

now dat der is funny!

hahaha… butch, you can be so awesome some times.


fucking :eek:

I hope the trucking co. replaces his chair for him, 50mph cant be good for the motor.


They probably need to replace his pants too.

:lol: heard about this on O&A this morning… fucking LOL

LOLOL… did anybody listen to O&A about 10 min ago. They were talking about this… they played the 911 calls and the interviews.

i could not stop laughing


heard about this on O&A this morning… fucking LOL


lol beat me to it…

that was so great

lol o&a are talking about it

^ the comments they were making this morning were so great

Vos “why was he in a wheel chair?”

Norton “He’s just lazy”



that and the interview he had

Lady interviewing:“so you were tangled in the grill of the truck, what did you do then”

Anthony:" well lets see, i grabbed my ipod, decided to text some people too"


oh and the Stephen Hawking bit…ROFL!! :rofl:


At that point, you go with the flow and do what ever it takes to keep your wheel chair upright and stable.


pretty much… the retard is lucky as shit that the chair didn’t veer, rollover, fail, or explode. If it hadn’t been pointed “straight” ahead, he would’ve rolled and most likely died a crushing death like so many hymans.

lol at the 911 calls

can i try? :headbang:

^lol Nikuk at the Hyman Crushing

if i were in that situation…assuming my legs didn’t work, the only thing besides screaming would be for me to take my shirt off (Marcus Style) and throw it up into the window, hoping the driver could put 2 and 2 together and get a resultant of 4.

Then the worse case scenerio would have a been a slightly more embarrasing photo op for the papers as they see bugs stuck to my man boobs.