Quite a ride...

So I am assuming they use high speed bearings in those wheel chairs.
Can you imagine the rpm of those little wheels at 50mph?:lol:
Maybe the wheel chair company can use this in their ad campaign.

As i’m sitting on my comp in a nice quiet office I start to laugh out loud at O&A this morn. The picture completes my day. They need to make an amusement ride out of this.


As i’m sitting on my comp in a nice quiet office I start to laugh out loud at O&A this morn. The picture completes my day. They need to make an amusement ride out of this.


someone find the clip form family guy where joe latches his wheel chair on the front of the rollercoaster at peter’s birthday

I don’t really laugh much at O&A, but I was cracking up this morning.
Good thing the guy was ok. But the news reporter was an idiot.

Nice pic Butch

ha did u hear what anthony said today
“the truck driver probly got out and said stop with this horse play and get up and walk away”


or “he better have not scratched my chrom grill”


i woulda been scared that the trucker realized it and liek slamme the brakes and sent me flying at 50mph not attached to anything. id have to imagine that a wheel chair would not be very stable not attached to anything at that speed

This story isn’t accurate though. He wasn’t being pushed by the semi, he was, in fact, towing the truck driver to the next gas station.

What a nice fucking guy.

i almost feel bad for laughing but its so damn funny LOL


because that would be one of the most retarded things to even think…even more retarded than a retard in a wheel chair, stuck to a semi.


yeah but im just saying it would be funny if he did try