I'd run him...

oh hell yes i would



You might lose too because after all you drive a jbody.

Hahahaha just kidding with you man :lolham:

lol… nice

you never know…he might have NAWWWZZZZZ

thats great, at least the guy has a sense of humor lol

Something tells me he’s not actually wheelchair bound…

or that someone thought they were funny and photoshopped that on there.

that would be funny if someone did and actually took his wheels :smiley:

its not photoshopped at all he lives down the street from me and has actually been to mighty a couple times…he drives a black saturn sc2

No, seriously He’ll lose.

thems fightin’ words

really digging for ur first win huh?

Is that a Threat???

You guys gotta stop with the Threat refrences…it’s old already.

No Dice…

i took that pic lol, me and him were sitting at the end of his street and waiting for people to drive by, he did race a little kid on a bike, it was funny.

haha it figures you were involved. so who won? my money is on the kid with the bike

i think the kid on the bike won, i got to his house after he raced him.

yup the kid won but didnt want the wheels bc it would take too much work to make it fast and couldnt sell it for much… kinda like my saturd :cry:
glad everyone likes the pic though. i had fun