More "out of control" acceleration (KIA) caught on tape.


This just in, people are still stupid. :facepalm

what an asshole


My new excuse for speeding

LOL shame she lived.

Just heard about this on the radio and apparently she “tried braking, e-braking, shutting down the engine, and shifting out of gear.”

Im gonna try this excuse the next time Im running late getting somewhere

yeah i wanted to call in to free beer this morniing so bad.

I caught the tail end where the ass hole called in and said “hit the parking brake and do cookies” what the fuck is a cookie???

Every automagic transmission I have ever seen has a gateless linkage from drive to nutral, I can only assume for this very reason.

or an I wrong?

I would just stand the hell on the brakes and let them weld themselves solid at some point when they burned through the pads. No way a kia has enough nutt to out powerbrake itself like that.


I don’t think ive ever been in an automatic that does not allow you to go right into neutral. Hell if your on the brakes I know a few that will let you slam into park and lock the tires up :rofl:rofl

She tried none of those things, if she did she would have stopped.

I honestly don’t know if she wanted the attention, or somehow got so freaked out by it she just froze up and did not want to do anything. I’ve had my accelerator get stuck on the Z when I was doing a pull dicking around on i90, a piece of the gromet for the gas pedal linkage got jammed up in one of the guide and kept the throttle opened right up, hit the clutch and turned off the car… Yeah theres a bit of an oh shit moment for a brief second, but cmon people need a pair of balls.

I’m gonna go do a crazy highway flyby on the bike and tell them my throttle stuck, kill switch didnt work, brakes didnt work and I couldnt call the 911 as I was on the bike.



Just got fast enough that they cant catch you, if you see cops looking for you when you get to where you want, just get yourslef all shaken up and call 911 and report your throttle sticking :excited

Please take the panic bullshit out of this bitches hand of cards… she was “in the chase” for over 30 minutes! thats a shit load of time to clear your head and think rationally.

There simply isnt an excuse. She should be arrested for indangering the welfare of children, wreckless driving and being fucking dumb.

If you fail to understand simple shit like this, how to keep it from killing people… you dont diserve to A: to drive and B: walk away from being fucking stupid without consiquence.

ESPECIALLY, after she got enough brain power to lift the pedal from the bottom and hit the brakes and stop. THUS proving it could have ended the moment it all started.

In all seriousness, what is possibly keeping someone from using that excuse like vlad said?

Unfortunately people tend to panic when faced with a frantic situation. Most likely she was too freaked out to do anything they asked her to do. I’m sure with a level head she could have taken it out of gear, or turned the key off. It’s similar to the people who swear their car took off for no reason as they held their foot firmly down on the brake…100% of the time, they have their foot on the wrong peddle!


thats a long damn time!

There is no excuse for this type of stupidity.

Impressive she kept it on the road at 120 for 30 minutes. I would think for sure while swerving with the throttle pinned she would have rolled it. Or a Kia not blowing up while being WOT for that long.

You’re looking at the next Nascar champ right here :rofl

Oh and from the Kia manual

Push button either needs to be held or tapped 3 times quickly.

Surprised the car could hit 120mph with her fat whiny ass in it.

If this is still the justice system I know and we all love. She should have a few tickets in addition to the traditional speeding, driving on the median, operating a telecommunications device while driving, failure to signal for turns or lane changes and reckless driving.